The turtle and his lady

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Nino watched Alya texting someone on her phone "Something wrong babe?" Lila asked making him turn to her and sigh "I'm worried for Alya" he said and remembered the time that when she wasn't needed to battle and would try to update her blog he would need to try and make her turn back and get to safety, it was hard but just a simple pained look from him would make her accept his request and head home where she would be safe from the danger she could have been in at the moment "I know it's hard... Sometimes the ones we love will make a dark choice and no one will be able to help them out of it unless there ready to accept the help" Lila said as Nino sighed at how right she was at this.

At the same time... He was happy to have left Alya to be with Lila, she was now a better person and was very nice to him, when they go on a date she would balance it so each of them have a turn... And if he wanted to go somewhere and planned it when it was her turn she would allow him to take it and go with her where he planned it, Jasmine believed them to be a perfect couple and Nino couldn't agree more to her he simply loved how sweet and caring Lila was... But they hoped for Adrien to finally talk to Jas in a better way then they are now "Should we help Adrien?" he asked making Lila turn to him "With Jas? I'll call Chloe to see something planned to help him" she said... And there was another reason why he loved her.

Alya glared at Lila... For dating her Nino, they were much better together then he was with Lila now... It made her sick to her stomach actually to watch, she even wondered what Lila lied about to make Nino date her in the first place as they weren't meant for each other... But her and Nino were made from heaven as she believed, she then heard something making her turn to see near her in a tree... A black crow, she knew what that meant but she wasn't sure of what to do at the moment from this but she knew that anymore angry thoughts would get her like Mari once was... Controlled by Jasmine's mother and that wasn't something she wanted right now making her grow scared as all of a sudden everything went black.

Just as Lila hung up and was about to speak to Nino, her eyes widen at what was behind him "NINO LOOK OUT!!" she screamed making him move out of the way with her as something moved, to there shock it was a person and they slowly stood up while looking in shock at the person glaring at Lila "Alya?" Nino asked making Alya laugh "The names Neige fox babe, now ugly give me my boyfriend and I won't hurt you much" she said making Nino pull Lila close to him as to try and protect her as she went to call Jas for help, this was from what they could tell done by Nightmare Crow and now they had to fix this and fast.

Just as Lila hung up and was about to speak to Nino, her eyes widen at what was behind him "NINO LOOK OUT!!" she screamed making him move out of the way with her as something moved, to there shock it was a person and they slowly stood up while loo...

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When Jas got the message it was as she was walking over to join them with Adrien watching her, she quickly went into and alley to transform as she worried for Alya and quickly went to destroy the crow with Cat Noir hot on her tail to help, if they thought Mari was hard... Alya was worse with the skates she had on making them worry about what they should do right now to stop her, they both thought for a minute until Jas aimed and fired at Alya... Knocking her out making them get time to purifie the crow as she changed back moments later while they got away... Far from where it happened to detransform "Why are you following me?" Jasmine asked as Plagg went to her for something to eat.

Adrien was now stuck, he hadn't thought about all of this so it was going to be hard to think of something. Jasmine sighed as she looked across the street "Let's get something to eat and drink and talk then" she said while pointing to a little coffee shop, Adrien saw it and nodded with in mind of paying for her... Which was what he did as Jas ordered then he did and he moments after being told the total he moved to pay giving Jasmine no chance of paying for her own order, she allowed this and went to pick a seat away from others who might see and listen... Adrien believed she was making a good call for them as he brought there order to her "So... Why follow me?" she asked as she took a sip of her hot chocolate "I want us to be friends... We never talk after what my father did and I want to fix that" he explained to her.

She could tell this was what he wanted so with a sigh "Alright, but I don't want to work for your father... His clothes is simply not in my taste so i'm not wearing any of his designs" she said making him quickly nod to that as they then began to talk, of course he asked for her advice on clothes and she was more then happy to help since he wanted to change the work his father had done so far to make a bit more... Happy and positive for people to wear and not like it was to wear for when you go to work or a business meeting like he hates so much "Just make sure you ask yourself if you would wear it before deciding to bring it out" she reminded him and with a smile she walked out.

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