Friends and Foes

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Permafrost spent the rest of the night and the entire next day flying as fast as her wings would carry her. It was only after two days that she dropped onto the desert of the Sand Kingdom from exhaustion and cried.

She had heard before that you never really knew what you had until it was gone, but she never realized how quickly it would all disappear. The full impact of what she had done had started to sink in with Permafrost.

She had left. She could never return to the Ice Kingdom. Her mother was dead- her father too if Beluga was mad enough.

It was a disaster.

But still, Permafrost got up the next day, and she kept flying until she reached the tunnel to the rainforest and she slipped through it, the desperate need for rest making her drag her steps as the colorful Rainforest greeted her.

"Halt!" A voice greeted her. Permafrost looked around, but she didn't see anyone. "What is your business in the Rainforest?"

"A visit?" She offered. "I'm here to see my friends."

"Who are your friends?" The voice demanded. Permafrost figured it would be a good idea to mention someone important, to assure the invisible dragon she was harmless.

"Princess Rin," she replied. "And her siblings."

The voice didn't respond, but then a soft noise shot through the air, and a dart pricked at Permafrost's neck.

Sleeping dart.

"Thank you," Permafrost said sleepily before dropping to the ground.

"YOU IDIOT!" Aother Rainwing yelled out. "I SAID DON'T SHOOT HER!"


Apple and Rin were walking through the village, gossiping as usual, when Queen Glory spotted them.

"Girls!" She called. They glanced towards her. "Come here, I need you to identify someone." They exchanged a glance.

"Please don't be a mangled body." Apple whispered as they entered the pavilion.

Fortunately for Apple, the only dragon on the ground was a sleeping familiar face.

"Permafrost!" Rin exclaimed. "What's she doing here?"

"No idea," Apple insisted. "Did she write you?"

"No- do you think Stardust knows?" Glory cleared her throat, drawing their attention.

"So this is your friend," She proclaimed. "And therefore harmless?"

"Yes!" Apple declared.

"Alright, who's the moron that gave her a sleeping dart?" Rin demanded. Two Rainwings instantly pointed at each other and Rin facetaloned.


A few hours later, Permafrost was awake and had shared her story with Rin, Apple, Glory, and Stardust.

"That's horrible," Stardust insisted, hugging her.

"Are you alright?" Rin asked gently. Apple gave her cousin a weird look. She hadn't heard Rin speak gently before.

"I'm better now," Permafrost declared, offering them a half smile.

"Well you're welcome to stay in the rainforest as long as you want," Glory declared. "Although, that could be problematic."

"What?" Stardust exclaimed. "Why?"

"You're in an arranged marriage, Permafrost." Glory explained. "Due to it, Beluga or the dragon you were set to marry have a right to claim you and have you brought back to the Ice Kingdom. I can offer you as much sanctuary here as possible, but if they go to their Queen and Snowfall asks for your return, there's nothing I can do."

"Nothing?" Rin echoed. "Couldn't you talk to Snowfall?" Glory grimaced.

"Snowfall is unpredictable, unstable, and we aren't on the best of terms with her. I'm sorry, but I can't risk starting another war over this, especially not when the Icewings are in the right. All you can do is hope that no one asks for your return, or that they don't know where you are." Permafrost nodded.

"That's crazy!" Rin declared.

"No, it makes sense," Permafrost said softly. "I understand." She looked at Glory. "Thank you for letting me stay." Glory nodded.

"I'm sorry I can't do anything else to help." She apologized before leaving the room.

"So, Permafrost," Appple began. "Where are you gonna live?"

"You could stay with me," Stardust offered. "There's plenty of space."

"Okay," she agreed, smiling at him. A strange expression passed over Rin's face and she fled from the room. The others frowned as she left.

"What was that about?" Permafrost asked.

"I'm not sure." Apple frowned. "Maybe I should go talk to her."

"No," Stardust insisted. "I've got this one." He smiled at Permafrost and they headed out the door.

He knew what this was about.

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