Such A Lovely Family

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Macaw was not a pleased parent to learn that his son was dating a Rainwing prince. 

Crow was entirely too happy to tell him.

And Raven half wanted Queen Joy to drop from the sky with her rumored scavenger army and murder them both. Then he and Wren could just sail off into the sunset together. It sounded like a nice fantasy.

Too bad it was only fantasy.

"ONE JOB," Macaw was yelling. "I gave you both ONE JOB to complete in your miserable lives, and you've FAILED. What was your job, Raven!?"

"To stalk and be perverted to the princesses," He replied boredly.

"EXACTLY- wait, no." Raven raised an eyebrow. "You were supposed to SEDUCE them! MAke them love you! I figured you'd succeed in that quicker than Crow would, seeing as you got your mother's looks, but NO. You did the exact OPPOSITE of your orders!"

"But I'm still dating royalty though...."



"Princes can't inherit the throne, you idiot!" Crow slapped his brother on the back of the head for good measure. "That's why you need a PRINCESS."

"Well maybe stalking princesses that are half my age isn't exactly the best way to get them to like me," Raven replied. "Try being a nice guy. Maybe then Queen Joy would listen to you instead of immediately punching you in the face." Macaw fought back a growl.

Why couldn't Raven understand such a simple task? End up with one of the princesses. He had three to choose from, for crying out loud! Macaw had only had the one opportunity with Joy, and she was a prat so it hadn't worked. With Raven and Crow, they now had six chances, and yet, all of those had failed too. Joy's whole family wouldn't even give them the time of day, let alone befriend them. And yet, Raven had gotten in. He had gained not only Wren's, but Joy's trust as well, somehow. But Wren was a stupid boy, so that didn't help ANYTHING.

Raven had completely disregarded his orders. Crow might have been stupid, but at least he was loyal to the cause. Raven, in Macaw's opinion, was far too much like his mother. Faithbringer had been this obnoxious too, and he was grateful everyday that she had ditched them. He just wished she had taken Raven with her. He was a useless asset, and he needed to relearn what the mission was. 

He needed to be reminded that Macaw was his father, and that he needed to follow orders that were given to him. 

And if Raven wouldn't follow orders because that stupid prince had gotten into his head, then Macaw had to find a way to remove the parasite known as Wren.

But he had to be cautious as well. Anything too far, and Joy would rain her entire family's wrath upon them. Macaw had seen what Joy alone could do. He had seen what Kelp and Rainkeeper could do when they were very, very pissed off, and he had seen what happened when you decided to mess with Joy or anyone else in her family. It never ended well for him. 

Tether dragon was an old memory now. A dragonet's game. They were adults now, and adults didn't play those silly games. Joy knew that just as well as he did. He had stepped up his game, and she'd been unprepared. But now her stakes had been raised twice as high, and Macaw didn't doubt that if he stepped in the wrong place, she'd just kill him and be done with it.

Part of him still wondered why she hadn't killed him yet.

Part of him still wondered why Kelp hadn't sliced his head off years ago.

But the most terrifying thing to Macaw was why Deathbringer had not yet found him. He'd heard stories about what the old assassin was capable of, and after what Macaw had done to Joy...

He wasn't sure if Deathbringer just didn't know, or if the Nightwing was just bidding his time, sorting out the most brutal, painful, and slow way possible to slaughter him.

It was a thought that kept Macaw up at night. He had seen Joy, Rainkeeper, and Kelp's wrath before, but he had never encountered Deathbringer at his most violent. And if Nightwings really took after their names...

He shuddered at the thought.

"Are we done here? I promised Wren I'd meet him." Raven asked. His opinion hadn't been changed in the slightest, and Macaw knew it. His son needed to be taught a lesson. 

And a lesson would be taught.

"Fine," Macaw said coldly. "Go get your precious boyfriend. Bring him the clearing we train in." Raven looked wary now.

"No," He objected. He didn't want Macaw or Crow going anywhere near Wren. 

"Bring. Him." Macaw growled.

"What are you going to do to him?"

"None of your business."

"Yes it is, he's my boyfriend!" Macaw lunged forward, grabbing Raven by the throat.

"You bring Wren to the clearing," Macaw warned. "Or I'll slice his throat while he sleeps."

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