Dates, Dates, Dates

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Aria and Teal were supposedly babysitting Russet and Sage, but it didn't really work out that way.

Instead, Teal ended up playing games with Sage while Aria sheepishly attempted to flirt with Russet in languages he didn't understand.

"You're very astetically pleasing, mi pikantní košíček." Aria mumbled. Russet tilted his head, confused, but he smiled at her.

"You're sweet," he commented. Aria blushed.

"Oh! You're a- I- mi- oh sweet prophets of stars, why must you doom me to a fate with such a pikantní košíček?" She stumbled, her face going redder and redder. Russet laughed.

Teal rolled his eyes at them.

"They're so ridiculous." He commented. "He doesn't even know what Aria is saying, and yet he's fine with flirting with her?" Sage shrugged.

"I think it's cute." She objected. "And besides, Russet needs to talk to somebody. He's usually really shy."

"I just don't understand how dragons can flirt with someone they just met."

"Well, that's apart of love." Sage insisted.

"It's a stupid part of it."

"Do you ever have a positive opinion on anything?" Sage demanded. Teal paused, looking at her.

"Sometimes." He offered. "But it's rare."

"Name ONE thing you've ever liked." Teal looked down, smiling.

"Well, I like Aurora." He admitted. Sage blinked, surprised.

"Oh. Well..... at least that's something." She glanced down at the cards they were playing with. "Wanna play again?"



"HA!" Rosella declared, pouncing on Parch and pining him to the ground.

"Oh no, you got me!" Parch announced dramatically. Rosella rolled her eyes.

"You're ridiculous."

"But you love me."

"I never said that."

"You didn't have to." Rosella scowled.

"I could kick your ass." Parch grinned.

"As wonderful as that would be, I'd rather just kiss you."

"And what makes you think you have the right to do that?" Parch smirked and flipped Rosella over, so that he had her pinned to the ground.

"Well, I think the fact that I'm your boyfriend might give me that privilege." He commented. Rosella smirked at him, but let him kiss her.

"You're ridiculous." She repeated, kissing him.

"But you love me." He repeated.


Wren was smiling too much, he thought. He was meeting up with Raven later, which was what was making him smile so much, but the very idea of him going out on a date would probably cause his parents to raise an eyebrow. That was why Wren tried his bedt to dull his smile as he walked through his family's home.

"What's got you so happy?" Rin asked. Wren paused, swearing at . He should have known that his mother would see right through him.

"Nothing," he replied, but his yellow scales said otherwise. Rin smiled at him.

"Where at you off too?" She questioned deviously.

"Just... meeting up with a friend." He insisted.

"A friend, huh?" Parrot repeated, grinning at his son.

"Yep." Wren could feel a blush threatening to spread across his face.

"Must be some friend."

"Are they cute?" Rin asked. Wren's eyes widened and he went pink with embarrassment. Parrot and Rin laughed at him.

"Oh shut up," Wren muttered.

"Aww, my little guy's got a date!" Rin declared. "I'm so proud." Wren groaned.

"It's not a date-" he started, but he knew that it was. Raven definitely wanted to date him, and if Wren was being honest, he was completely willing to let him. Raven was extremely cute and funny, after all.

"Suuure it's not," Parrot teased. "Just be safe."

"Always am." Wren rolled his eyes and bolted out of the room before his parents could ask anymore questions. The last thing he needed, after all, was for them to find out that Raven was a guy.

Wren and Raven met up in one of the older trees in the rainforest, smiling at each other.

"Tell me more about yourself," Wren insisted, as they waited for the sun to go down.

"Well, I have an older brother, who you've already met." Raven offered. "He's a jerk. I live with him, my parents, and my grandfather, who are all also jerks."

"What makes them all jerks?" Raven sighed.

"They're just... they're obsessed with power and the kind of thing, and they have really creepy methods of getting what they want." He glanced down. "My father, for instance, has done some pretty awful things."

"Well, not everything's he's done could've been that bad." Raven snorted.

"My father has never done a single good thing in his life."

"Well- he's the reason why you're here. I count that as a good thing." Wren smiled. Raven grinned.

"Okay," he admitted. "He's done ONE good thing in his entire life." He smiled at Wren. "But enough about my stupid family- what about you? What's so interesting about Wren of the Rainwings?"

"I dunno. My family's completely insane, but we embrace it, and I love them, so I suppose we get along better than your family." Wren thought for a moment. "Oh! I can fit twenty grapes in my mouth." Raven laughed.

"How do you even-"

"My cousins and I had a contest one day. It ended with Prism sneezing out a grape." Raven laughed harder.

"You're a funny dragon, Wren." Wren grinned.

"I hope that's a good thing." Raven smiled.

"Definitely." He looked at him. "It's a very good thing." They stared at each other for a minute.

"You're funny too," Wren insisted.

"You know what else I am?" Raven said quietly, still staring at Wren.


"Spontaneous and stupid." Wren grinned.

"How spontaneous and stupid?"

"Spontaneous and stupid enough to do this." Raven leaned over and kissed him. Wren's eyes widened, but then he leaned closer, kissing him back.

Someone wolf whistled and they jumped apart, scanning the trees. Wren froze, spotting a smirking Deathbringer glancing at them.

"First your cousin, now you?" He commented. "Everybody's kissing in the woods today." Wren facetaloned in pure embarrassment and Deathbringer walked away, grinning smugly.

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