The Prankster's Reign

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Shortly after Cypress and Anaconda's engagement, the school year at JMA started back up. And Apple knew it was going to be quite a lonely year without all of her friends there with her.

"I wish you didn't have to go back to school." Ember complained as they wandered the halls. "I'd much prefer it if you just stayed with me all year."

"Well, you COULD come back for another year," Apple suggested, not wanting her boyfriend to leave either.

"And risk someone dying because of the curse our presence places on the school? I don't think so." Apple shoved him playfully and he laughed. "Besides, if I stayed, I'd be taking up a spot that some other Skywing really wants, and that's not fair."

"But it's not fair to me if you all leave me here alone!" Apple objected. Ember wrapped an arm around her.

"You're not alone! Willow and Stream are still here! And you can keep an eye on Hope for me. I think she's gonna need it."

"Yes, your sister, her two cousins, and Stream are going to cause SO many problems."

"I'm serious!" Ember proclaimed. "Hope is the baby of my family- everyone is so protective of her, and I can;t be here to watch over her all the time. But knowing that you'll be here to take care of her.... It means a lot to me."

"I understand." Apple agreed, stopping so that she could kiss him. "You make me wish I had a little sibling."

"Don't Ander and Rin count?"

"No, they're older then me."

"Well, then just think of Hope as your little sister. Maybe she will be one day." He hinted.

"You are so BAD at being subtle."

"I know. It's really bad."

"And you know what I said about the future." 

"You want to finish school first. And I'm fine with that. It just seems like all our friends are getting married lately."

"That's because they ARE. But they also don't have a three age difference like we do."

"I hate that age difference. It keeps keeping me away from you."

"ONE year, Ember. I think you'll manage to survive that long without me and your sister."

"I'll TRY. But no promises."

"Yes promises! I don't want to finish school and then find out you're dead!"

"I would never do that to you."


A loud scream shot through the air, and Apple and Ember turned, only to see Hope, Egret, Willow, and Stream running towards them, laughing.

"EMBIE!" Hope yelled, hugging her brother. "THIS SCHOOL IS AMAZING!!!"

"Willow, WHY did you never tell me your girlfriend was so cool?!?" Egret demanded.

"Um, because I didn't tell you I had a girlfriend?" Willow guessed.

"Well she's AWESOME!"

"Embie, Embie- Egret and Stream know PRANKS! I never knew I could do those before! I LOVE THEM!" Hope went on. Ember's eyes widened and Apple sighed.

"So, I've definitely got my work cut out for me." she presumed. 

"You're Apple, aren't you?" Hope questioned, studying the Rainwing.


"You're the dragon my brother loves."  Ember's face went red, but Apple just smiled.

"Yeah. I am."

"....Do you know any sparkly pink dragons?"

"...No, but I could teach you how to make a sculpture of a sparkly pink dragon." Hope turned to her brother.

"I like her." She declared. "Keep her." 

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