It's Fun To Stay At The JMA

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The dragonets had gone to JMA, because at some point, this book needs a plot.

Glory had gone too, determined to help out her friends for the year. And after being tied to a tree for several hours, Deathbringer broke free and declared that he'd work security for the school, seeing as they desperately needed it.

Since, you know, the Dragonets of Destiny can teach, but they're absolutely awful at keeping their students inside the actual school.

Rosella, Aurora, and Mora were happily sharing a cave, as well as Aria and Sage, Prism and Fawn, Russet and Fen, and Teal, Pax and Parch.

Teal was not as pleased with the arrangement.

"I don't see what the problem is," Parch declared. "I'm entirely delightful to share a room with."

"I don't have a problem," Pax insisted. "It's the grump meister who does." Teal rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a grump-meister." He declared. "I just don't want to share a cave with my sister's stupid boyfriend." Parch sighed, flopping down on one of the beds.

"Teal, why don't you like me?" He asked. "I don't recall having ever done something to offend you."

"I don't trust you." Teal proclaimed. "Not with Rosie, not with anybody."

"But WHY? I'm completely trustworthy!" Pax nodded.

"It's true, Parch is pretty reliable." He piped up.

"Shut up, Pax." Teal shot back. "There's something fishy about you, Parch. I don't know what it is, but one day I'll figure it out, and I'll make sure it keeps you far, far away from my sister." Parch laughed.

"Good luck in your quest, then." He commented, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. "But I assure you, Teal. What you see is what you get- I'm not hiding anything. And I don't think there's any dirt you could dig up on me that would keep me from being with Sellie." Teal growled and stomped out of the room.

"Three moons, he's moody." Pax declared. "We should get him a girlfriend."

"I hear Aurora's available."

"Hell no, I called dibs. Who else is single?"

"What about Mora?" A strange look crossed over Pax's face, the idea of Teal dating Mora sending an odd, uneasy feeling through him.

"Um....What about Sage instead?" He suggested. "They're both smart, they'll get along better." Parch grinned. 

"Sage it is, then."


Prism was thrilled to have started school, especially since there was an art cave, and new dragons to ship, and-

"Three moons, I've become my mother." She whispered out loud. Oh well. There were worse dragons besides Apple she could be like.

She fought back a squeal as she stepped into the art cave, the sheer sight of it making her want to burst with happiness.

There was another dragon in the cave, a dark blue Seawing that Prism didn't know. Then again, she barely knew any Seawings.

"Hi," She offered, walking up to him. "I'm Prism- do you like art too?" The Seawing studied her closely, like she was under some kind of inspection. She must have passed though, because the Seawing nodded at her.

"I'm Cyan," he replied. "And yes...." He glanced around the room. "I" Prism paused. Strange, but interesting. She thought he'd be the perfect opportunity for a new friend.

"What medium do you like? Painting, sculpting, drawing," She smiled.

"Uh, painting." Cyan guessed. "What do you like?" Prism's grin widened.

"I love painting! My parents love it too, so I guess it's genetic or something- we should totally paint something together!" Cyan grinned at her.

"That would be wonderful," He declared.


Raven and Wren were sharing a sleeping cave.

They had burst out laughing when they realized it, and somehow, Wren deeply suspected that Deathbringer had forced the pair into the same cave.

"I guess they think that by keeping boys and girls in separate caves, we'll stay out of trouble." Raven declared.

"Cue the gay dragon laughter." Wren announced, and they burst out laughing. Raven grinned at him.

"This is gonna be great."

"Hell yeah, it is."

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