Don't Kill Me, Please?

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A/N: Okay, since you all wanted this so badly.... :)

A few days later, Willow and Thistle were back at the Bay of a Thousand Scales, and Willow dropped Thistle off at their little cave, giving him some food to keep him occupied, and then she promptly went racing around, searching for her wife.

"Stream!" She yelled out, spotting familiar blue scales. Stream's face lit up, and she grinned as Willow practically tackled her with a hug.

"You're happy," Stream commented, hugging her back.

"Why would I NOT be happy?" Willow asked. "I've got you." Stream gave her a deadpan expression.

"Alright, what is it?" She questioned. "What do you want?"

"Nothing!" Willow insisted. "There's just, uh...."

"Knew it. What did you do this time?" Stream's grin grew as Willow fiddled with her talons.

"Come with me." She finally said, grabbing Stream and walking her back towards the cave.

"Wil, what's this about?" Stream questioned, growing both curious and concerned.

"Well, you know how we always talked about dragonets?" 

"Yes." Stream frowned. "But I also remember saying that we couldn't get one, and that we're entirely too immature to raise a child."

"Well....." Willow paused, having forgotten this information. "I think we've totally matured."

"Wil, last week, you put a coconut on your head and went around with a stick cane doing impressions of Webs."

"And you laughed your head off." 

"See? Immature."

"But that was LAST week, and this is THIS week, and I've grown up a lot."

"In seven days."


"What are you getting at, Wil?" Willow hesitated at the front of the cave.

"Just..." She began. "Just don't kill me, okay?" Stream looked hesitant, but her expression entirely changed as Willow brought out Thistle.

"This is Stream," Willow told the dragonet. "She's my wife."

"Hi," Thistle offered. "You're a pretty blue." 

"Stream," Willow went on. "This is Thistle." Stream's expression was unreadable, but then she smiled at Thistle.

"Nice to meet you." She offered before snapping her head up at Willow, the smile wiped from her face. "Willow, can I speak with you in private?" Willow fought back a wince. It was never good when Stream used her full name.

Leaving Thistle alone once more, Stream practically pulled off Willow's arm as they went out of earshot.

"You brought a kid home?!" Stream hissed, looking shocked.

"Can we keep him?" Willow begged. "Please???"

"Willow, this is a CHILD, not some random pet!"

"I know that!"

"Well then you should know that you can't go around kidnapping innocent children."

"In my defense, he came with me willingly."

"Did you promise him food?"

"Yes." Stream poked at her.


"Stream, please," Willow insisted. "He doesn't have any family, no one takes care of him, he has nowhere to live- did you SEE him? The poor thing is starving! I couldn't just LEAVE him there when I know we could be a family to him. Please, Stream. I know you say we're not ready, but we'll never be ready unless we just do this."

Stream face softened.

"Are you positive he has no one?" She questioned. "No one will notice if he just disappeared?"

"Well, the shopkeepers might notice that no one is stealing their food anymore, but that's about it." 

"....And he's not just going to rob us blind and run, right?"

"Stream, he didn't even know there were three meals in a day." Willow whined. "I don't care if he robs us blind- I HAVE TO GIVE HIM FOOD AND A HOME!" Stream smiled.

"Okay." She agreed. "Let's keep him."


"Really." Willow let out a shriek and tackled the Seawing into a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" She exclaimed. "You will NOT regret this, I swear."

"Now I KNOW I'm gonna regret this." Stream rolled her eyes, but she was grinning as they went back to their cave.

"Thistle! Guess what!" Willow declared, sliding next to the scrawny dragonet.

"Wet sand is just dry sand that the ocean spit on?" Thistle guessed. Stream fought back a laugh as Willow shook her head.

"No, silly. Well, actually, you might be onto something there." Willow insisted. "But that's not what I meant." She smiled at the Sandwing. "How would you feel about me and Stream adopting you?" Thistle's eyes widened.

"You mean I'd get to stay HERE?" He echoed. They nodded. "And eat food everyday?"

"All day everyday." Willow announced. "Three meals, plus snacks."

"You're going to make him obese." Stream warned. Willow waved her off as Thistle tilted his head.

"I'd LOVE to stay here!" He exclaimed. "But what's a snack?"

Stream's jaw dropped.

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