Murder Them All

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The experiments are starting again on your friends. 

The experiments are starting on your friends.

Experiments....on your friends....

Parch was slowly processing the words, and a strange mix of rage and protective instincts was building up in him the more he thought about it. Someone, right that very minute, could be hurting Rosella.

And if that was the case? Well, then somebody was going to die.

Everyone was going to die.

Parch had murder on the brain now. 

"Well....shit." Teal swore.

"The Houses," Parch questioned. "Where are they?"

"There were supposedly multiple all around Pyrrhia," Boysen admitted. 

"What's the closest one to JMA?" Parch demanded, his eyes glittering dangerously. Boysen paused, admiring the murderous resemblance between Parch and his mother.

"The one I helped take out was close. It was on the border line of Icewing-Skywing Territory." He offered. "Not far from here. I could lead the way."

"Great! Let's go." Parch headed for the door.

"Are you insane?" Teal questioned. "We can't just go barging in there!" Parch raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" 

"Because we could be outnumbered, they could be stronger then us, and who are we taking- a couple of dragonets and an ex-soldier? We'll be killed."

"And yet," Parch offered. "If we sit around waiting for you to concoct some fool proof plan, then by the time we actually show up, Rosella could be dead!"

"She could be dead already! We don't know!"

"Well if she is, then SOMEBODY'S GOING TO BURN." Parch snapped. Teal stepped back, surprised. He'd never seen Parch act violent before.

"We could stop back at JMA on the way," Prism suggested. "We could get Deathbringer and Tsunami to help us!" 

"She's got a point," Boysen agreed. "They've got a lot more fighting experience then I do." 

"Fine." Parch reluctantly agreed. "We go get backup, and then we storm in, swords a blazing."

"I don't know how to use a sword," Teal admitted. 

"Hold on,"Hope interrupted. "You're not really taking Prism on this death trip, are you?"

"Why not?" Prism demanded. "I'm tough."

"Yeah, and Ember would have all our heads on a spike if anything happened to you." Hope retorted. "Keep her back at JMA."

"That is SO UNFAIR-" Prism started.

"Would YOU like to face Apple and Ember's wrath?" Fiji questioned. "Cause I don't. Apple's very protective over you." Prism scowled.

"I never get to do anything fun." She muttered.

"Well now you and Cyan can sulk together until he murders you in your sleep." Parch offered.



"Who's Cyan?" Hope asked.

"Don't ask." Teal advised with a sigh. Parch and Prism kept arguing and Boysen glanced over at Hope and Fiji.

"This is why you never have dragonets," He suggested. "They always end up in some sort of disaster."

"Yeah, well, disasters make life more interesting." Hope replied, smiling.

"If you say so."


After Parch raided the Colors of the Wings weapons supply because, according to him, he needed all the guns, the group headed back to JMA.

"Boysen?" Teal asked as they flew back. "The experiments at the Houses.... Were they all as bad as what happened to Fiji?"

"I think so," Boysen insisted. He shook his head. "Fiji is the only dragon to share what happened to him there. No one else has ever spoken a word. They can't bring themselves to."

"Do you think, even if we find Rosella and the others," Parch asked warily. "Will they be the same?"

"It depends on what's been done to them." Boysen admitted. "I didn't know any of the dragons we found beforehand, but I imagine none of them are the same... The Hybrid War changed a lot of dragons, in one way or another."

"Let's just hope we find them in time." Teal offered.

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