Friends Are Always There

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Permafrost awoke to a familiar, demanding knock on the door. The Icewing sighed, untangled herself from a still sleeping Stardust, and headed for the door, growing grumpy when she noted it was barely past dawn.

"Rin, I know that Rainwings love to wake up at the crack of dawn," She began. "But Icewings, and strange Nightwing hybrids? We like to sleep in a bit later." 

"Well, sorry, but this couldn't wait, and I didn't know who else I could go to." Rin insisted, her voice wavering slightly. Permafrost blinked the sleep from her eyes and focused on her friend, slowly taking in the sheer amount of panic that was radiating off the princess. 

"Three moons, what's going on?" She finally demanded, her eyes widening. Rin shook her head.

"I have a really big problem and I don't what to do." She explained, her voice shaking even more.

"Hey," Permafrost said gently. She glanced back inside before stepping out, shutting the door and leading Rin towards the forest. "What's going on?"

"I..." Rin stammered. "I'm pregnant."

"You're what?!" Permafrost proclaimed, her eyes nearly popping out of her head.

"Can you try NOT to wake the entire forest?" Rin hissed, but Permafrost was to busy reacting to listen.

"What- How- When- Parrot?" The Icewing stumbled.

"Yes, it's Parrot's." Rin confirmed. 

"....Does he KNOW?"

"Of course not!" Rin exclaimed. "And it's not like I can tell him!" Permafrost stepped back, tenting her talons together in thought.

"Uh, why, exactly, can't he know?" Rin squirmed.

"Well, Parrot and I's relationship is... well, it's low-key. It's not serious or anything. And we've never even talked about having a serious relationship before, let alone anything that could lead to this! He'd freak if he found out!"

"...You DO realize that dragons like to be AWARE when they're going to become fathers?" Rin glared at her.

"Permafrost, look, I'm FREAKING OUT, okay?" she exploded. "I wasn't exactly prepared for this myself either! I'm not even sure I want this!" Permafrost stopped, eyeing her friend carefully.

"You're not thinking about getting rid of it, are you? Because, Mandarin, if you kill a Marrot dragonet, I will torture you."

"I'm not getting rid of it!" Rin declared. "Or, at least, I don't WANT to. But I just... I don't know what to do, and I'm scared."

"And you think I know what you should do?"

"Well, you've always given me good advice before!"

"Yeah, on boys and relationships- not on subjects I know nothing about."

"Just HELP me. Please." Rin looked on the verge of dropping to her knees and begging. Permafrost took a deep breath.

"Okay. We can make this simple." Permafrost began. "First things first, are you positive that you are-"

"Yes, I'm positive." Rin proclaimed. "I wouldn't be freaking out this bad if I wasn't."

"Got it. Secondly... Oh, I hate having to ask this." 

"Ask what?"

"Well, it's just that you said you're relationship with Parrot was loose, meaning that you've seen other dragons besides him?"

"Uh, Yeah. That's kinda what a loose relationship is."


"Well what?" Permafrost sighed.

"Are you completely sure that the baby is Parrots'?"

"...Did you seriously just ask me that."

"Just checking off boxes, sorry."

"YES. I know it's Parrots'."

"Great! Now go tell him."

"No!" Permafrost crossed her arms.

"Honey, I will drag you there by the ear if I have to. TELL. HIM."

"How can I tell him?" Rin asked, looking slightly helpless. "He'll panic."

"He's gonna panic no matter what you do- he's PARROT."

"Well then how can I get him to panic the least amount?"

"...What if you tell someone else first? Like your mother. I'm sure SHE has great advice on this kind of stuff! She has three dragonets, and I have none!" Rin stared at her.

"My mother. Would KILL me."

"I don't think so." Rin pinched the spot between her eyes.

"So you want me to go home and tell my mother I got myself knocked up so that I'm more prepared to tell Parrot that he knocked me up?"

"...Well, I'd word it differently, but...yeah..."

"I'm so dead."

"No you're not. You're going to be fine." Permafrost thought for a moment. "You realized Parrot is gonna want to marry you, though, right?"

"WHAT?" Rin's eyes widened. "Why would he want to do that?" Permafrost facetaloned.

"Think about it. You tell him that you're going to have his dragonet. He freaks out, but then stops to think about it, and realizes that the right thing to do is to ask you to marry him."

"But I don't want to marry him!"

"Well you can't say no now!"

"Why not?!" Permafrost held up a talon, turned, and banged her head against a nearby tree.

"BECAUSE, if you say no, then he'll think you don't want him to be apart of the dragonet's life."

"But that's not true."

"I. KNOW."

"...So I have to marry him."

"Why don't you want to, anyway? Parrot's great." Rin grimaced.

"I just...I've never really considered myself the type of dragon who gets serious enough with someone that they'd get married."

"OOooooh," Permafrost replied in realization. "You're one of those dragons who's afraid of commitment."

"I am not!"

"You are so."

"Am not!"

"Then go tell Parrot that you're having a dragonet and marry him."

"Maybe I will."

"Good!" Rin stormed off, and Permafrost rolled her eyes, shaking her head at her friend. "So easy." she muttered, walking back home, entirely ready to go back to bed.

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