Ravens and Macaws

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Wren was basically being dragged by the ear into Queen Joy's office by his mother. Parrot followed them closely, looking about as fearful as Wren felt.

"....What happened?" Joy asked, observing them.

"We have a situation," Rin offered, shoving Wren forward. "He's dating Macaw's son."

"WHAT." Joy snapped suddenly. 

"Oh come on, it's not that big a deal," Wren insisted.

"NOT THAT BIG A DEAL," Rin echoed. "Wren, we used to use drawings of his face as target practice when I was growing up!"

"Macaw is pure evil," Joy agreed. "And you should be staying as far away from him as you possibly can."

"And I am!" Wren declared. "I've never even met Macaw! And Raven is nothing like his parents. He's sweet and kind and funny,"

"Or he's just deceiving you." Joy guessed. "It could be a long term plan. Macaw convinces his son to brainwash a prince into handing over everything he knows about the kingdom and more."

"Raven would NEVER-"

"How do you know?" Wren paused. How would he know? He thought for a moment, and shook his head. No. He knew Raven. He trusted Raven, and he knew Raven would never do something like that to him.

"I just know," Wren concluded. 

"I don't like this," Rin admitted. 

"Me neither," Joy insisted. "After everything Macaw has done,"

"Raven is not Macaw." Wren proclaimed. "And since when did this family start judging dragons based on who their fathers are?" Joy and Rin paused.

"Wren, I know you like him," Joy said. "But this type of manipulation runs in Macaw's family."

"I know that." Wren replied. "Hell, Raven's even told me. Macaw has tried, but Raven doesn't want anything to do with his father and brother's schemes. He's not like Macaw."

"He has a brother?" Parrot questioned. Wren nodded.

"An older brother named Crow. He tried to make a move on Rosella once; it didn't end well for him, and he hasn't tried again since."

"Of course he hasn't; why would Crow need to pester Rosella when Raven already has you wrapped around his talon?" Joy offered.

"Raven is not manipulating me!" Wren declared. "And none of you have ever even met him before! Who are you to judge him?"

"Wren, all we're saying is-" Rin started.

"That you think he's evil because he's Macaw's son." Wren finished. "Can you at least give him a chance?"


"Alright." Joy interrupted. Rin and Wren glanced at her, and Joy nodded. "One chance. Wren has a point, we don't know Raven. But if he starts acting strangely or he betrays you in any way, it's over. Deal?"

"Deal." Wren agreed. "He won't disappoint you." Joy looked skeptical.

"We'll see about that." She offered.

"Mother," Rin started, looking surprised. The Queen of the rainforest shrugged.

"You know," Joy commented. "Riptide was treated like dirt by Coral for his whole life because Webs was his father. It didn't matter that Riptide was a better dragon then Webs ever was. Kelp was treated even worse because Riptide was his father, and Kelp never did a wrong thing in his life. Who knows. Maybe Raven will be the Riptide of Macaw's family." 

"He is," Wren declared.

"We'll see." Rin sighed and turned back to her son.

"Just...." She offered. "Keep a close eye on him, alright? I don't want you getting hurt."

"It'll be fine," Wren proclaimed, grinning. "Raven is the best, you'll see."

"Let's hope you're right," Joy grumbled. "The last thing I need is another Macaw to deal with."

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