Don't Cross The Queen

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Prism had overheard every word of the conversation.

They were onto her. Onto Cyan. That just meant the plan had to move a little faster than planned.

Oh well. Cyan gave her an extra boost in strength, figuring she would need it for where this was headed.


Joy was perched on her throne, kinda bored.

It was a slow day to be Queen. Nobody really had any problems, which she supposed was a good sign, but at the same time, it meant she had nothing to do.

She and Kelp had been playing I spy for an hour, and no matter how hard the Seawing tried, he just couldn't see the camouflaged Rainwing guards posted around the room, just in case. Rainwings blended in too easily.

Joy had less guards than Glory did when she was Queen, probably because the whole rainforest found the prospect of Joy being attacked extremely unlikely.

She just wasn't a dragon you messed with.

So the guards continued to be bored and uninterested as Prism walked into the room.

"Hey Prism," Joy smiled at the dragonet, thankful to see a new face. "What can I do for you?"

"Joy," Prism began, her voice eerily calm. "I hereby challenge you for Queen of the Nightwings and Rainwings." Gasps went up from the guards, and everyone quickly glanced towards Joy's deadpan expression.

"......Nah." Joy replied. Prism frowned.

"What do you mean, Nah?" She demanded. Joy shrugged.

"You're not gonna challenge me. It's a good joke though."

"Yes, I am." Joy shook her head.

"Nah. I reject it."

"You can't reject a challenge!"

"Uh, yes I can. I just did."

"But that not  how it works!" 

"Um," Joy pointed at herself. "Queen. I say that's how it works."


"No buts. Challenge rejected. Try again next century." 

"You can't do that!"

"But I just did."

"That's- AAAH!" Prism let out a scream of rage and lunged at Joy. The Rainwing guards sprang up at that, but Joy simply held Prism back.

"You're feisty today," she commented. "You wanna fight?"

"YES," Prism said angrily. "I want to fight you for the throne!"

"You're two."

"Doesn't matter! I can challenge you!" Joy rolled her eyes.

"Alright then, pipsqueak. Let's fight." 

"Joy-" Kelp started. 

"Kelp, relax, I'm not going to kill her."

"I'll kill you," Prism growled. They all paused, glancing back at her.

"That doesn't sound like Apple's daughter," Joy began. Prism lunged at her again, slamming a punch into Joy with the strength of twenty dragons, rather than one.

Joy hit the ground, stunned, and Kelp raised his eyebrows.

"Did a two year old just throw you to the ground?" He questioned. Joy scowled, and then Prism turned on Kelp, picking up the Seawing and tossing him to the other side of the room.

"You were saying?" Joy called.

"Touche," Kelp replied. Joy got up and faced off against Prism.

"Alright, tiny dragon," She declared. "I don't know what's wrong with you, but nobody messes with Kelp, remember?"

Prism charged at her, and Joy grabbed the dragonet by the throat and picked her up.

"We're not gonna kill each other today," Joy proclaimed. Prism went to maneuver out of Joy's hold, but a Rainwing guard shot up behind her and stabbed a sleeping dart in Prism's neck.

Joy let her go, dropping Prism to the ground.

"What the hell is going on?" She demanded.

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