تلوث هجين

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"I have a proposition for you," Parch insisted. Rosella raised an eyebrow.

"Better make it a good one," She declared.

"I propose we break every single one of the rules that the Dragonets of Destiny set for us."

"How did I know you were going to end up breaking those rules?" Parch smirked.

"Please, Sellie. No making out? No fighting? No sharing a bed? They're just asking for the rules to be broken."

"Or you're just ridiculously obsessed with making out and breaking rules."

".....You literally just summarized my entire thinking behind this plan."

"I know. I can practically read your mind."

"Oh, you don't want to do that." Parch insisted, tapping his forehead. "Lotta dark stuff up here." Rosella snorted.

"What, dark as in running out of fruit punch? You're about as dark as a lit firefly, Parch."

"If you say so," Parch sang, smiling deviously. "So, are you in?" Rosella paused, thinking about it.

"Yeah. I'm in." She agreed.

"Yes! Alright, first rule to break- no making out." Rosella rolled her eyes.

"How did I KNOW you were going to start there?"

"Because I'm me," Parch grinned.

"What's next?"

"I dunno... No breaking anything? No painting the walls? Oooo, how about no gang wars?"

"Like you have a gang."

"I don't, but I know a gang!"

"Our friends kinda count as a gang."

"Then we need to make enemies with another gang and destroy them."

"That sounds awesome, let's go find some students to destroy." Rosella grabbed his talons and pulled Parch down the hall.

"But what about breaking the no making out rule?" He whined.

"You can wait ten minutes, you doofus."

"No I can't. It's impossible. I need your kisses to survive!" Rosella rolled her eyes, but she grinned, eyeing the hallway around them.

She paused at one of the walls, frowning suddenly.

"Looks like somebody beat us to the no painting on the walls rule," She commented, pointing. Parch glanced over and frowned. Sure enough, there was some strange symbol painted in bright red on the wall.

تلوث هجين

"What's that mean?" Parch wondered out loud.

"I'm not sure." Rosella insisted. "Maybe Aria would know- she know all kind of weird languages and symbols."

"She was in the art cave earlier; maybe she painted it, and it says Aria wuz here in some star language."

"It's possible."

So they ran and found Aria, dragging the dragonet back to the strange artwork.

"I didn't paint anything on the walls." Aria admitted. "And I doubt Pax would either. He's a rule breaker, but not the vandalism kind." Rosella and Parch frowned, and Aria studied the symbol.

"It looks like Arabic...." She wondered. "Talawuth hajin, if I'm not mistaken."

"What does that mean?" Parch questioned. Aria shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I studied more Armenian than Arabic, and the stars hate translating." Aria tilted her head. "It is odd that anyone would choose to write in Arabic on the wall though, seeing as only Star prophets could understand you, I would think."

"Are there any other prophets at JMA besides you?" Rosella asked. 

"Non. Just me, but Pax and Russet can understand some of the language, although I have not taught Russet Arabic, and Pax would never do this."

"So if none of you wrote this, then who did?" Parch asked. "And why?" Aria stared harder at the symbol.

"Talawuth hajin," She repeated, thinking the words over. "Ah, it's coming back to me now. تلوث هجين, Talawuth hajin- hybrid pollution."

"Why would someone write hybrid pollution on the wall?" Rosella asked, slightly worried.

"No se." Aria admitted. "Perhaps it has a meaning we are not aware of."

A/N: Merry Christmas!!!

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