Manly Guy Time

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"HI!" Mako screeched, barreling into Pax and Teal on one of the rainwing platforms, Wren on his heels.

"Hey Mako," Pax grinned, grabbing the tiny dragonet and giving him a noogie, which only cause Mako to shriek louder.

"I thought you were going to be with Mother today," Teal insisted. Mako nodded.

"Yeah, but den Wren said he'd watch me." He explained.

"Seriously?!" Teal complained. "How come you're able to watch Mako, but Mother says I'm too young?"

"Uh, because I'm seven," Wren offered. "And that makes me older and more mature then ALL of you."

"Older? Yes. Mature?" Pax argued. "Pretty sure Prism's got you beat there."

"Prism's barely two!"

"Still. The girl knows her stuff."

"Noooo, don't mention the girls!" Teal complained. "This is manly guy time! Right Mako?"

"Yeah!" Mako exclaimed, sitting up straighter and puffing out his chest. "MANLY!" Teal fought back a laugh.

"So we can't mention ANY of the girls?" Pax clarified. "Not even Aurora?" Teal paused.

"Okay, her we can talk about." He offered. "She's so cute and perfect."

"I know." They sighed happily. Mako shrugged.

"Wisty's cuter." He commented. 

"OOoooooo," Wren declared. "Little Mako's got a girlfriend!"

"Does not!" Mako cried out, going pink. "I just likes her, dat's all."  he said sheepishly, blushing.

"How's it feel, Wren? Mako got a girlfriend before you did." Pax insisted. Wren shrugged.

"Fine by me. I don't even understand why you two obsess over Aurora so much." Pax and Teal gasped, like Wren had just insulted their very souls to the deepest offense. Wren raised an eyebrow.

"HOW can you NOT like Aurora?" Teal demanded. "She's perfect!"

"....So?" Wren asked. "She's not THAT cute." The boys gaped at him like he'd just said the most sacrilegious thing in the entire universe. Pax managed to regain the power of speech first.

"Are." He began. "You. BLIND!?!?!?"

"No," Wren insisted. "I mean, I like Rora, she's nice- I just don't think she's cute."

"Okay, fine, whatever." Teal proclaimed. "More for us. But your standards are WAY too high then, dude, because Aurora is like, the cutest girl ever."

"Her and Wisty." Mako corrected.

"Sure Mako." Pax offered. "But they are sisters, so that makes sense."

"And my standards are not too high." Wren objected. "Just because I don't look at Aurora the same way you do doesn't mean I'm crazy or something."

"Uh, it's not just us." Teal proclaimed. "Watch." Teal glanced around the village, his eyes landing on Rosella. "Hey Rosie!" He called out, drawing her attention.

"Yeah?" She asked, walking over to them.

"Do you think Aurora is cute?"

"Um, DUH." she declared. 

"Wow." Wren insisted. "And I thought you were straight." Rosella rolled her eyes.

"I can look at the menu, Wren, I just won't order." she insisted. "But seriously, even Tamarin knows that Aurora is ridiculous beautiful."

"Wren doesn't think she's cute." Pax announced. 

"And that surprises you why?" Rosella asked.

"You KNEW?" Teal yelled. "Tell us why!"

"I mean, you're gay, aren't you?" Rosella asked. Wren's eyes widened.

"Hey," He muttered to her. "I don't go around spilling your secrets." 

"OH." Rosella's eyes widened. "Sorry!"

"Oh, don't be sorry." He insisted, turning back to the rest of the boys. "Rosella once snuck out and spent the night with Parch, in case you wanted to know." Pax and Teal gasped, and a mortified look passed over Rosella's face.

"There." Wren declared. "Now we're even." He grabbed Mako's talons and ran away, practically dragging the small dragonet as Rosella chased after him.

"WREN, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" She screamed.

"YOUR BOYFRIEND DIES FIRST!" Teal insisted, running after her, Pax on his heels.

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