No, No, and NO.

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The next day, the Dragonets of Destiny gathered Aria, Pax, Rosella, Parch, Wren, Teal, Mora, Fen, Fawn, Sage, Russet, and Prism in one room.

"What's this about?" Rosella asked. The Dragonets of Destiny crossed their arms.

"The following is a list of rules you all have to follow because your parents have all caused great trouble for us in the past, and we know that misbehavior is genetic." Starflight explained. "That being said...."

"No leaving the school." Glory started. "No chasing after psychopathic enemies in order to save the world."

"No destroying the school." Tsunami went on. "That means no pranking, no painting the walls, no abusing the other students,"

"No skipping your classes because you'd rather go hunting,"

"No hunting when you're not on a hunting party,"

"No trying to cross breed the animals in the Prey Center."

"No beating other students with scrolls-  or any object for that matter."

"No beating students with other students."

"No gang wars."

"No starting a cult or summoning extraterrestrial demons that we don't know how to kill."

"No summoning ANYTHING."

"No demonic rituals."

"No teaching other students how to be crazy like you."

"No making out in the infirmary."

"No making out anywhere!"

"No sharing a bed with anyone."

"No threatening."

"No physically fighting."

"No interrupting other student's learning."

"Don't set anything on fire."

"Don't blow anything up."

"Don't destroy anything or any room in the Academy."

"No raising Darkstalker."

"No raising any of our former enemies from the dead."

"No releasing prisoners from other Kingdoms."

"No going to other Kingdoms."

"No more complicated love squares- just date someone and be done with it."

"No pinning your romantic rival against the wall and threatening to turn his organs to grape juice."

"No dying."

"No getting fatally injured."

"No using any sort of abilities or powers on anyone else."

"No dimension jumping."

"No painting crude, explicit things and hanging them around the school."


"Holy shit, does this list EVER end?" Parch asked.

"NO." The Dragonets of Destiny shot back.

"I shouldn't have to listen to this, I'm a perfect little angel." Prism objected. Sunny narrowed her eyes.

"No chaining dragons up and forcing them to kiss so that your ship will sail." Prism dropped her gaze to the floor.


"Oh, and while we're banning things," Wren commented, sending a pointed glance at Prism. "Stay away from Cyan."

"Wait WHAT? WHY!" Prism insisted.

"I don't like him." 

"And that's why I have to stay away from him!?"


"That's bulls-"

"Oh my gosh, NO!" Sunny exclaimed. "I thought you were the innocent little child who would never swear!" Prism blinked.

"Uh.....yeah no." She shook her head.

"That's Sage," Teal offered. Sage barked a laugh.

"Try talking to me when I'm pissed off." She countered. "I don't think Russet even knows any swear words." Her brother glanced over and smiled.

"Merde," He replied. Aria laughed, and Pax winced like he'd been slapped.

"You've been teaching other languages?" Pax questioned.

"Ah, un poco," Aria admitted. "Just a few words here and there." 

"Oh." Pax frowned, and Mora tilted her head curiously. 

"Can you all just agree to follow the rules?" Tsunami demanded.

"Sure." Parch shrugged. "We will until we won't." Starflight laughed.

"Hell no, we're getting this in writing." Glory explained. "No rule breaking this year."

"But-" Rosella started.

"NO RULE BREAKING!" The Dragonets of Destiny chorused.

"But some of them are highly unreasonable!" Rosella objected.

"Agreed." Parch declared. "I'm fine with no demonic rituals, but no making out? ALL YEAR? That's just not gonna work." 

"Too bad," Tsunami proclaimed.

"Wait wait wait," Sunny insisted. "I think we can let him slide on that one."

"Sunny," Clay started.

"I mean, it is a bit unreasonable,"

"Sunny, you can't let students break the rules in order to sail your ships." Sunny crossed her arms.

"...BUT WHY NOT?" She whined.

"I'm with Sunny on this; why not?" Aurora questioned. "I'm fine if Parsella wants to make out."

"Oh my moons," Rosella facetaloned. Parch smirked.

"This is the only place where my OTP can make out!" Prism agreed. "They don't kiss in the rainforest in case somebody sees."

"Prism. I SWEAR. TO. THE. MOONS." Wren growled. "I WILL end you."

"I'm too cute to end!" Prism shot back. "AND BUT OUT OF MY FRIENDSHIP WITH CYAN, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!"

"I know he's pure EVIL!"

"YOU HAVE NO PROOF!" Mora groaned.

"CAN WE ALL JUST LEAVE!?!" She declared. "Look- we ALL know none of those rules are getting followed, that Parsella should make out, and that Wren and his mysterious supposedly secret lover should totally reveal that they're dating; AND SINCE WE ALL KNOW THIS, I THINK WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO LEAVE THIS STUPID MEETING." 

The Dragonets of Destiny sighed as the kids fled the room.

"Well," Clay offered. "We tried."

"Start a school, you said," Glory, the sarcasm queen, declared. "It'll be FUN, you said."

"It is pretty fun," Sunny agreed.

"No one will DIE, you said." Sunny shut up.

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