Into The Unknown

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A/N: Alright, alright here you go.

Teal wasn't quite sure how the Hybrid Pollution House was still standing. 

When Boysen said they had burnt them down, he thought it was a hypothetical sense, not that they had actually set the entire building on fire. But judging by the charred walls and the smoke that still lingered in the air, he'd been mistaken.

There were no windows. 

That was the first thing Parch noticed. There were no windows, no skylights, no way for daylight, sunlight, or light at all to get inside. The utter darkness of the place made him shiver. All dragon tribes needed sunlight, but Rainwings and Sandwings needed it most of all. A sun deprived Rainwing was likely to go insane after awhile.

But maybe that was something the Icewings were testing.

That thought horrified him even more. Purposefully depriving a dragon of light? That was just evil.

But then again, Boysen did say they were up against monsters.

Deathbringer, Tsunami, Boysen, Mora, Parch, Wren, and Teal wandered quietly down the hallway of the building, looking for any sign of life.

Wren was thinking that they might have the wrong place, but then footsteps started from down the hall, and Tsunami made them all stop.

"Boysen," Deathbringer whispered. "Do you require any of these dragons alive?"

"No." Boysen admitted. The ex-assassin smirked, sinking into his element.


And then an Icewing rounded the corner and spotted them. 

Deathbringer shot forward, clamping the dragon's mouth shut.

"Wait-" Tsunami started, but it was too late. Deathbringer neatly snapped the dragon's neck and let him drop to the ground.

They all stared at him.

"What?" Deathbringer questioned. He rolled his neck and smiled. "It's been too long since I've killed someone."

"...Wren, our family is officially insane." Teal murmured.

"You're just learning this now?" Wren questioned. 

Deathbringer took out three more Icewings before they entered a long hallway, lined with doors. 

They split up, checking the doors, looking for any sign of Rosella, Pax, Raven, or Sage.

At first there was nothing. Offices, empty cells, a room full of burned filing cabinets that Teal suspected had been burned long before the rest of the building.

But then Mora opened a door and gasped at the sight of a rainbow colored dragonet in a corner.

"PAX!" She yelled out, rushing into the room.

"Mora wait!" Tsunami called, but she didn't listen.

And then there was a spear pressed against Mora throat.

Deathbringer and Boysen were closest, and they stopped at the sight, staring at the older, female Icewing that was holding the spear.

She took one look at Boysen and growled.

"Hybrids." She spat. "How did you get here?"

"None of your business." Deathbringer shot back. "Let her go." Mora looked slightly wary of the spear at her neck, but her eyes kept flicking over to the corner, where Pax was watching them with wide eyes.

"Are you a hybrid?" The Icewing questioned, tugging at Mora.

"N-no," Mora lied. It was believable enough. Her father was a pure-blooded Mudwing, and her mother was only a quarter Skywing. The only thing linking Mora to the Skywings was that her scales weren't as armored as other Mudwings, but you had to look extremely close to notice that. 

The Icewing turned to study Deathbringer, looking at him like he was familiar in some way.

"Ah," She finally commented. "I've seen you before."

"....I'm gonna need a reminder of where that was..." Deathbringer admitted, not remembering the dragon at all.

"You're Queen Glory's little lover," She commented. "Father of her abominable children, and the most tainted bloodline in Pyrrhia's history."

"Guilty as charged," He admitted. "Now let her go."

"I have a question first," She demanded. "Where is Permafrost?" Deathbringer and Boysen froze.

"Permafrost?" Boysen echoed. What would this dragon want with her? They didn't notice Pax's scales slowly blend in with the rest of the room, leaving him invisible.

"So you do know her," The Icewing commented. "Excellent." She narrowed her eyes at Deathbringer. "Perhaps Glory would exchange her location for your life." A discarded metal bar was picked up off the ground, and the Icewing still failed to notice.

"Doubtful." The ex-assassin offered. "She's pretty pissed at me right now." 

And then, with a loud crack, Pax swung the metal bar and smashed it down on the Icewing's head, dropping her unconscious. Mora jumped back with a yelp, and Pax dropped the bar.

".....The others are downstairs." He said quietly.  "Adiuva nos omnes stellae."

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