That's Our Cue To Leave

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As a fangirl, Sunny deemed a lot of things her responsibility. 

The planning of Haze and Boysen's wedding was one of those things.

So, when Haze and Thorn brought up the idea, Sunny dropped a pile of papers, containing a detailed plan for the entire wedding, on the table and walked out to go mail invitations.

And that was how Haze and Boysen ended up having their wedding barely two weeks after they got engaged.

And, of course, Permafrost, Apple, Ember, Stardust, Shore, Orange, Ander, Ray, Rin, Parrot, Cypress, Anaconda, and the rest of the gang all had to be there.

Haze made sure the ceremony was kept short and simple, not wanting anything dramatic and romantically drawn out, and afterwards, she and Boysen made their way around to various guests before finally dropping beside their friends.

"This is utterly ridiculous." Permafrost declared. "Me, Orange, AND Haze all having a dragonet within the same year?"

"And that's our cue to leave before the girls get all gross on us." Shore advised. He, Ray, Parrot, Ember, Boysen, Anaconda, and Stardust immediately bolted away, leaving Orange, Rin, Ander, Apple, Permafrost, Haze, and Cypress alone.

"It's not THAT ridiculous." Orange insisted. "Shore and I have been married for a year- and so have you and Stardust. And Haze...."

"I do what I want." Haze offered

"What about you, Cypress?" Rin teased. "Have you and Anaconda talked about dragonets?"

"Or will you be joining the club with Haze, Orange, and me?" Permafrost questioned. Cypress's eyes widened.

"I am not confirming or denying anything." She declared. 

"Well there's our answer right there." Haze insisted. Permafrost let out a happy shriek.

"Welcome to the club, Cypress!" Cypress rolled her eyes.

"Who's next?" Rin wonder out loud. They all immediately turned to look at Apple. 

".....Me?" Apple questioned. "That's ridiculous! Heck, why not Ander? She's engaged! I'm only eight!"

"Eight's still an adult." Permafrost hinted. Apple sighed.

"Ember and I haven't even discussed marriage." Haze snorted.

"What? You think Boysen and I spend hours pondering our future together?" She asked. "Hell no!" Apple shot her a look.

"I'd prefer not to have a dragonet by the time I'm ten, thank you very much." Rin shrugged.

"Whatever. So, who's making arranged marriages with their dragonets?" She asked. 

"Dibs on my kid and Wren!" Permafrost shouted. "That means Haze, your kid has to marry Shorange's."

"Uh, no thanks." Haze offered. "We have enough complications within the Sandwing Royal family as it is, okay?"

"What, Rainforest royalty isn't good enough for you?" ORange teased. Haze groaned.

"No, it's just that the next heir to the Sandwing Throne is Sunny, and she doesn't have any kids, but she has me. So I have been deemed her heir because we've got nobody else, so not Boysen and I's child is either going to be the next heir, OR will have to have a daughter. So if my kid ends up with a rainforest royal dragon, then the Sandwings are just gonna riot."

"True, true." Orange agreed. "I mean, the Rainforest royal family has Seawing, Nightwing, and Rainwing blood now. Adding a Sandwing-Nightwing-Seawing to the mix would be insane."

"I already ship it and they're not even born." Apple proclaimed.

"It's so perfect." Permafrost sighed.

"Who knows, maybe they'll date." Cypress offered. "You guys ever wonder what kind of future our kids are going to have?"

"Yes." Rin declared. "I just hope Wren doesn't die along the way."

"I'm not worried." Haze shrugged. "My kid's gonna be a badass."

"Okay, forget arranged marriages and that stuff," Orange announced. "Haze, I challenge you. My kid versus yours. We'll see who's the better badass."

"Oh, you're going DOWN."

"You wish."

"I've got Scorpion Den gangsters in my family!"

"Yeah?" Orange smirked. "I've got me, JOY, a family line of deadly Nightwing assassins, and Queen GLORY. Fight me." Haze narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, it's on." Cypress shook her head.

"So," she offered. "Permafrost and Rin force their children to marry each other, and Haze and Orange are gonna force their kids to form a fight club. Sounds like a great future."

"They'll have fun." Apple grinned. "Won't they, Ander?" Ander smiled wistfully.

"Oh, my dear darling friends," she laughed. "You have NO idea what they're going to get into."

A/N: Believe it or not, but this concludes Part 1 of Let The Chaos Continue. See you in Part 2!

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