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"So what do you think they're going to do with Cyan now?" Raven asked as he and Wren wandered the forest. "Kill him?"

"Doubtful," Wren admitted. "If he is one of Queen Coral's grandsons like Kelp thinks, then Joy will probably have to set up a meeting with Queen Auklet to discuss his fate. Especially since he's only a dragonet, too. Chances are he'll probably be banned from using his magic, and might end up in prison, either in the Seawing Kingdom or on the Nightwing Island."

"And that'll be it? I thought your family was more murderous then that when someone they cared about got hurt." Wren laughed.

"Why, we're not murderous at all, Raven!" He exclaimed. "Dragons that are in jail for hurting us just tend to.... have very unfortunate accidents. Most of them involving lava or knives."

"Riiiight," Raven smirked. "So the rumor that Queen Joy plays tether dragon with her enemies is just a rumor?"

"Um, that may be factual. I know she's played that game with your father before."

"I know. He's still mad about it." Raven cringed. "He's still mad about a lot of things, actually."

"Well he and Joy have never really gotten along after all."

"Yeah, that's one way of putting it." 

"He did terrorize her in school, after all, until Kelp and Rainkeeper beat him up."

"And after school, don't forget."

"Yeah, I think Kelp threw him from a platform at Kelp and Joy's wedding."

"And there was the whole kidnapping scandal, of course." Wren frowned.

"What kidnapping scandal?" Raven blinked in surprise.

"You don't know about that?"

"Know about what?"

"I thought that everyone in the royal family knew- everyone in my family knows. My dad considers it his crowning achievement, which further proves that he's a horrible dragon, but-"

"Raven, what kidnapping scandal?" Wren pressed, now concerned. His family never hid things from each other, especially when it came to awful and aggravating things Macaw had done to them. The fact that he didn't know about something Macaw considered his crowning achievement was a little unnerving.

"Um, well, it was back when-"

"RAVEN," A new voice shouted sternly, startling them. A green dragon dropped from the trees, scowling at the sight of Wren. 

"Hi Crow," Wren waved. "Still stalking my cousins, or are you strictly watching your brother now?" Crow ignored him, turning his attention to Raven.

"You know Father doesn't approve of you speaking with him," He reminded.

"Well, frankly, I don't care what Father thinks," Raven retorted. "And if he approves of something, chances are it's either illegal or disturbing or a mixture of the two. Now why are you here?"

"Father wants to see you."


"Probably to convince you to quit frolicking around with a gay prince like he's your boyfriend or something."

"Newsflash," Raven muttered. "He IS my boyfriend, and I can 'frolic' with him as much as I like." He smirked. "How's it feel, knowing I got to date a member of the Royal family just by actually being sincere and nice instead of stalkerishly watching and annoying all the princesses?" Raven glanced back at Wren. "Not that I'm just dating you for that, you know I'd never do that-"

"I know," Wren offered him a smile. "It's just fun to stick it to the perverts every now and then."

"Exactly." Crow glared at them, not pleased.

"Oh, so you are dating him. How wonderful." He grinned. "Father will be delighted to hear how much of a disappointment you are."

"It amazing how he can pester us day and night to seduce princesses, but the day I seduce a prince, I'm a disappointment," Raven commented. "Where is the logic in that?" Crow grabbed him by the ear.

"You should know better than to talk about Father's plans for us in front of stupid royalty." He hissed, tugging him away. "Now come on. We're not to keep Father waiting." Raven rolled his eyes and glanced back at Wren.

"I gotta go get yelled at," He insisted. "Up for a walk later? We can search for my head after Father chops it off."

"Sounds good," Wren smiled. "See you later." Raven saluted, and Crow dragged him away. 

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