Aria, Russet, Sage, and Teal

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Aria and Teal, are being given some level of permission by their parents (some level being Shore, Ray, and Ander said yes, but Orange said no, so they snuck out and ran for it), had flown to the Sandwing Kingdom in order to pay a visit to Sage and Russet.

Or, as Teal would describe it, Aria was a hopeless romantic who was dying to see Russet, and he went along to babysit her.

Because he would not- not EVER admit to voluntarily going to the Kingdom of the Sand just to see Sage. That would NEVER EVER happen because he didn't care about Sage. Nope. They were friends, yes, they argued constantly through letters and stupid debates, yes, but HE DID NOT CARE ABOUT HER.

Which is why he stopped flying at least three times on the way to their destination in order to fight Aria and force her to stop shouting that he and Sage were soulmates. She never stopped, though, and Teal was beginning to think that maybe Aria would have an unfortunate accident on the flight home.

An unfortunate accident that involved him ripping her tongue out if she didn't shut up.

Naturally, from the moment they arrived, Russet and Aria took off to go who knows where and talk about who knows what in a language Teal didn't know, and wasn't quite sure how Russet understood.

Teal stayed with Sage who, upon seeing him, had immediately retrieved sixteen scrolls from her room and dumped them on him.

"What's this?" He questioned, raiding an eyebrow.

"In our last debate, you said it would be impossible for us to communicate with scavengers, so here are sixteen scrolls proving you dead WRONG." She said calmly.

"But talking to scavengers is like communicating with snakes or a tree! It's impossible!"

"Actually, I found a scroll about communicating with trees and other plants too, so...." Teal threw up his talons.

"You know what I mean! We can't talk to scavengers."

"NOT TRUE! Scavengers are statistically more intelligent than most other animals- there are dozens of Nightwing and Skywing studies on it- there was even a communications study conducted two years ago by two exiled princes, and it's very informative. We're closer to talking to scavengers than you might think."

"Well I think it's stupid and you have no proof." Sage picked up a scroll and whacked him on the head with it. 

"BOOM. PROOF." Teal scowled.

"Fine," he grumbled. "I yield. You pick the next topic."

"Ummm....." Sage thought for a minute and shrugged. "I'll think of one later. Wanna go see what Russet and Aria are doing?"

"Probably just being lovesick morons." 

"Still. Wanna go spy on them?"



As it turned out, Russet and Aria were at the edge of the river, so Sage and Teal ran onto one of the nearby bridges and ducked down to spy on them and overhear as much of their conversation as they could.

"You know the stars say we're meant to be together." Aria admitted. Russet smiled at her.

"Then your stars sound nice." He replied, and she shuddered.

"Nice is one word for it. Father calls them unnerving deliverers of all the news you didn't ask for."

"I bet they go through all the dragons in the world and pick out the smartest to talk to," Russet said. "And since they talk to you, then you must be both super pretty AND super smart. MAybe even one of the smartest dragons in Pyrrhia."

Up on the bridge, Sage let out an offended gasp, and Teal scowled.


"I know! So am I!" Teal agreed. "And that's ridiculous logic! The star-speaking ability is genetic or something, they don't pick favorites by beauty and intelligence! And if they did, then they'd probably NEVER stop talking to you." Sage paused.

"....Did you just slyly imply that I was beautiful and intelligent?" She questioned, looking at Teal. His eyes widened.

"What? No. That would be stupid. Why would I do that? I don't even like you."

"Well I don't like you either, but your sentence phrasing implied-"

"Well then I just said the sentence weird."


"Yeah. That's all. Don't read too much into things, Sage, you'll make wrong assumptions."

"Well, if I didn't read into things, then I'd never see past your stupid face enough to know that a smart dragon is lurking beneath it."

"Well, that's...." Teal glanced back at Aria and Russet, who were now currently kissing. "EW."

"Look at those idiots. They make me sick." Sage crinkled her snout in disgust.

"Same.... Do you want to throw things at them?" 


And that was how Aria and Russet ended up getting chased out of the river area by Sage and Teal, who screamed and threw rotten vegetables at them.

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