Bad Guys

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A/N: Just a heads up, I'm gonna be on a road trip for a few days, so if updates are slow, that's why.

The small group of dragonets stepped through the tunnel and their eyes widened. The Nightwing Island was so much.... darker then they had expected. It was lit by lava and glowworms, and the air was difficult to breathe.

Nightwing guards were posted all around, eyeing everything warily, and their narrowed in suspicion as Rainkeeper led the dragonets by. Rosella, Prism, and Pax could spot at least a few Rainwings in camouflage, resting on rocky ledges or on top of highly guarded cells. Wren figured the Rainwings were a last resort type of guard. If a prisoner tried to escape and killed their Nightwing guards, then the Rainwing would just swoop down from the top of the cell and stop them, one way or another.

"How many prisoners are in here?" Prism asked curiously. 

"About twenty to thirty," Rainkeeper said. "We don't have many prisoners from the rainforest, but other tribes send dragons that need extra security."

"How many guards are there?"

"Around fifty Nightwings, I believe. We try to make sure every prisoner has two guards. Everybody's got at least one, but the worse the dragon, the higher the security."

"Makes sense," Prism glanced around, trying to shake off the loud buzzing at the back of her mind. It was like two thoughts were arguing in her head, and one was telling her to ask for more details and the other was telling her to run, but neither thought was really winning.

It was annoying. Prism just tried to ignore them both.

"Are there really REALLY bad guys in here?" Mako asked.

"The baddest of the bad," Rainkeeper grinned. 

"Can we see them?" 

"Umm," Rainkeeper frowned and thought for a moment. He sighed. "Alright, I've got one dragon for you. But don't get too close to her, alright?"

"Okay!" Mako bounced up and down and nudged Wisteria. "We're gonna see a BAD GUY, Wisty!!"

"I know!" She hissed back.

"Just stay close, all of you," Rainkeeper advised. "I don't want anyone wandering off and ending up in trouble, alright?"

"Alright," They agreed.

"The last thing I need is one of you falling in lava." He muttered, promptly snatching Mako as the clumsy dragonet nearly fell into a puddle of the flaming substance. They turned down a hallway and stopped before a cell. Three powerful looking Nightwings guarded it, with a rare, fierce looking Rainwing sitting above the cell, a dart gun at the ready.

"Prince Rainkeeper," The Nightwings nodded, stepping aside slightly so that they could see the dragon in the cell.

A firey eyed rainwing looked up at them and smiled wickedly.

"Hello Rainkeeper," She snarled. "Long time no see." Rainkeeper turned to the dragonets and waved at the dragon in the cell.

"This is Pineapple," He offered.

"NO WAY," Wren and Rosella exclaimed, darting closer to the cell. Mako screeched in fear and Wisteria jumped over and clung to him. Pax and Aurora's eyes widened.

"THE Pineapple?" Aurora squeaked. "The same dragon who tried to murder Queen Joy?"

"The same dragon who murdered ten unhatched dragonets?" Wren went on.

"The same dragon who once slit Kelp's throat and went against Joy in an Heir's Challenge?" Rosella asked. Pineapple smirked.

"Well, at least I've left a legacy." She commented. She looked up at Rainkeeper. "So, what, am I a field trip spectacle now?"

"They wanted to see a bad guy." He offered. "So I brought them the worst one I could think of." Pineapple scoffed.

"Oh please, there are MUCH worse dragons then ME." She said. "What about that Icewing three cells down? Murdered twice as many dragons as I did. Even did stupid experiments during the war." Rosella and Pax shuddered at the mention of the experiments, and Pineapple tilted her head, examining the dragonets before her.

"That one," She pointed at Rosella. "You're related to the pathetic demon spawn they call Queen, aren't you?"

"Queen Joy?" Rosella replied. "I'm her granddaughter."

"Granddaughter," Pineapple echoed bitterly. "Do you have a granddaughter too, Rainkeeper?" He didn't reply, and Prism shied away from the cell, just in case. But the Rainwing only smirked. "Please, dragonet. I already know it's you. The family resemblance is uncanny." Wisteria tiptoed closer to the cell out of curiosity, and she hesitantly reached a talon towards the bars of the cell. Pineapple sprung forward, snatching Wisteria's talon and pulling her closer to the cell. Wisteria screamed, and the Nightwings raised their spears.

"Let her go," Rainkeeper growled.

"Why, Rainkeeper," Pineapple smiled. "It's been so long since I've had some fun." She narrowed her eyes at Wisteria. "Maybe I'll just rip this little one's talons right off." Wisteria whimpered in fear, and then a rock flew through the cell bars, nailing Pineapple on the head. The Rainwing's hold loosened and Aurora quickly pulled her sister away from the cell as the fiery-eyed Rainwing growled and glared at the dragon who had thrown the rock.

Mako stared defiantly back at Pineapple, another rock ready in his talons.

"Don't touch my Wisty," He warned. 

"We should go," Rainkeeper declared, as Pineapple's scales turned red with anger.

"So soon?" She questioned, sending death glares at them.

"Time to go," Rainkeeper insisted, grabbing Mako and walking away. The others followed, Wisteria now clinging to her sister and looking terrified.

"You'll be back, Rainkeeper!" Pineapple called after them. "I know you will be! You can't escape me, no matter how you lock me up!"

"Ignore her," Rainkeeper advised.

"She can't get out of there, right?" Pax asked.

"No." Rainkeeper said coldly. "I made very sure of that."

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