Um, How Long Have You Been Gone?

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Teal, Rosella, and Parch grumpily walked back into JMA. Teal was mad that Rosella and Parch had snuck out in the first place, Rosella was annoyed at her little brother and generally tired from flying all the way out the the Sand Kingdom and back, and Parch was mad at Teal for interrupting his trip, and that they still had no idea what the hell Hybrid Pollution meant, or what Boysen was hiding.

A dragon happened to be passing the entrance as they walked in and he stopped, eyeing the trio.

"Uh....." Deathbringer offered. "How long have you guys been gone?"

"Like four days." Rosella insisted. "Did you seriously not notice we left?"

"Um...." Deathbringer smiled sheepishly. "Maaaaaaaaybe?" Rosella facetaloned.

"Isn't school security your literal job?" Parch questioned.

"Technically yes."

"And yet you didn't notice three students randomly leaving for days and then returning?"

"No, I did not notice that." Deathbringer admitted. Parch raised an eyebrow.

"Well, if that's your protective abilities at their finest, then I'm amazed Glory has managed to stay alive this long." Deathbringer scowled.

"Hey, Deathbringer is great at protecting Glory." Teal objected. "Just not so much when it comes to anybody else." Deathbringer crossed his arms, looking offended.

"Maybe he was just busy with something REALLY important while we were gone and that's why he didn't notice, right Deathbringer?" Rosella asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I was very busy." The ex-assassin agreed.

"Doing what?" Parch questioned.

"Well, Queen or not, I still have to protect Glory." He insisted. "And make sure my ship sails, of course." All three of the dragonets simultaniously facetaloned.

"You sacrificed the safety of the students here so that two dragonets would make out with each other?" Teal concluded.

"No," Deathbringer declared. "I jeopardized the safety of the students here so that two GAY dragonets would make out with each other."


Mora wandered the halls of JMA, frowning. She and Pax were supposed to meet up in the art cave that morning, but he hadn't shown up. That wasn't like him at all.

"Aria!" She called, running into the hybrid in one of the hallways. Aria turned her gaze away from the wall.

"Yes?" She asked. Mora paused, taking in the strange red symbol painted on the wall.

"What's that?"

"Don't worry about it." Aria advised. "How can I assist you?"

"Have you seen Pax? We were supposed to meet us earlier and he never showed." Aria tilted her head.

"That is most unusual. Pax is always on time."

"I know, and I can't seem to find him anywhere now."

"That's....concerning," Aria admitted. "I'm afraid I don't know where he is."

"Well, do you have any ideas? You are his sister, after all." Aria snorted.

"Yeah, I'm his sister, but he seems to have spent a lot more time here with you then with me." Mora crossed her arms.

"Well maybe if you understood him better, he'd spend more time with you." Aria raised her eyebrows.

"Really? I'm his sister, Mora. I know him better then you ever will."

"That's what you think."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe you don't know as much about Pax as you think."

"I know everything there is to know about him- The stars have literally shared his future with me!"

"Just because the stars can tell you what his life is like doesn't mean you know what he thinks and feels." Mora shot back. 

"That is LITERALLY-" Aria started, but they were cut off as Prism ran down the hallway, screaming until she slammed into Aria, tackling her to the ground.

"Prism, what in the moons-" Mora began.


"Oh great."

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