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Months later  Shore, Orange, Ander, Ray, Stardust, Permafrost, Apple, Joy, Kelp, Deathbringer, Glory, Rainkeeper, and Pear were all gathered in one room, waiting, when Parrot burst in, grinning like an idiot.

"I," he said triumphantly, strutting into the room. "HAVE A SON." Delighted exclamations went up, followed by screeches from Apple and Permafrost.

"I have a son." Parrot repeated proudly. "A son. Me!" He looked ready to dance around the room with pride.

"So, as you can see, Parrot is a little overexcited." Rin announced from the doorway. More screeches went out, and the small group raced over to get a look at Rin and Parrot's newly hatched dragonet.

"He's so CUTE!" Permafrost practically squealed. "I want him!"

"Get your own." Rin told her. 

"Well, I could..." Permafrost wondered out loud.

"Oh please no." Stardust insisted.


"No fair! I'm gonna be the favorite aunt!" Apple objected.

"Apple, you're technically not even his aunt," Shore began.

"Don't care. Gonna be the best one he's ever had."

"Does he have a name?" Joy asked, smiling at the little dragonet. Rin grinned.

"Yes." She admitted, glancing over at Parrot, who was bouncing on his feet, looking ready to run a marathon.

"You can tell them." He offered.

"His name is Wren." Rin declared.

"Oh, that's perfect for him." Glory insisted. 

"Now, here's the real question." Deathbringer began. "Who gets to teach him how to fight?" Glory facetaloned.

"Um, OBVIOUSLY it should be his badass grandmother." Joy announced. "I mean come on."

"No way. It's gotta be his favorite aunt!" Orange proclaimed. Deathbringer cleared his throat.

"I think you're forgetting the former assassin in the room? AKA the one who trained all of you?" Rin rolled her eyes.

"He's a bit young for fighting." She suggested.

"You're never to young to start combat training." Deathbringer objected.

"He could be a seasoned warrior." Joy added.

"I like that idea." Parrot piped up, still extremely exciting. "My son Wren, the WARRIOR. Awesome."

"Parrot, you may need to calm down a little." Rin advised.

"Nope. I have a son, and I'm damn proud of him."

"He's not even a day old, and he hasn't done anything."

"Don't care. Damn proud."

"Maybe you all shouldn't swear so much around him?" Stardust suggested. "Young dragonets do pick up words quickly." 

"Hey, he's got to get used to the constant swearing in our family at some point." Rainkeeper insisted.

"Yeah!" Ander agreed. "Dam! Hell! Crap! Heck! Zimbabwe!"

"Zimbabwe?" Ray repeated, bursting out laughing.

"Yeah, Zimbabwe! The new ultimate swear word!" She and Ray continued laughing as little Wren perked up and mimicked the laughter.

"He's a fast learner," Glory commented. 

"Dragonets typically learn how to speak, laugh, smile, and occasionally walk all in their first day of hatching." Stardust declared, noting how everyone stared at him. "...So I did some research, so what?"

"So he's gonna talk today too?" Parrot offered. "That's awesome!"

"I wonder what he'll say," Shore said. "Probably something simple, like Hi."

"Or kill." Glory offered.

"What kind of dragonet's first word is kill?" Rin asked. Glory and Deathbringer slowly turned to look at Rainkeeper.

"....Hey, that was Dad's fault and you all know it." Rainkeeper objected. 

"Maybe he'll say something fancy." PErmafrost guessed. "Like fabulous, or precipitation."

"Or Zimbabwe!" Ander continued. She tilted her head at the dragonet. "Can you say Zimbabwe? ZIM- BOB- WAY?" Wren blinked at her.

"Wait, if Rainkeeper's first word was kill, then what was mine?" Joy asked.

"Deactivate." Deathbringer told her. "You were attempting to say Decapitate, though." She shrugged.

"I'll take it."

"Ander's first word was death." Shore declared.

"Yeah, that didn't really help our original concerns about her." Kelp admitted.

"Why are all your first words some form of violence?" Stardust questioned.

"It runs in the family." Deathbringer offered. "I like to think they all get it from me."

"Come on, Wren. Say something fabulous, and non-death or swear related." Permafrost urged. 

"Dumf." Wren squeaked.

"That doesn't count as a word." Glory insisted. 

"He's trying something." Rin added.

"Damf." Wren went on, babbling slightly as he tried the sounds out. "L-lous. Buh.....Damf..."

"What?" Shore said in confusion.

"Dam!" Wren finally cried out. 

"Ha! A swear!" Joy declared.

"Damn!" Wren repeated. "Damn fabulous." Everyone paused. Glory and Rin facetaloned as Permafrost burst out laughing and dropped to the floor.

"I love this child." Apple whispered.

"Did he just say Damn fabulous?" Parrot questioned.



"I blame Permafrost!" Ray announced. "She's the one who said fabulous!" Permafrost didn't care, as she rolled on the floor with laughter. Rin rolled her eyes.

"Oh well." She insisted, smiling at her son. "Welcome to the family, Wren." 

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