A Basic Explanation Of Rin's Complicated Love Life

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A/N: Shoutout to ElementalWolf07 for the cover! And congrats to those of you in the comments section who correctly guessed what this part was gonna be about.

Stardust found Rin by a tree, sitting against it and looking conflicted.

"Hey," He greeted her cautiously.

"Hi," She replied quietly as he sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes......No..." Rin shook her head. "I don't really know." Stardust thought for a moment.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Are you in love with Permafrost?" Rin stared out at the forest before them and sighed.

"That's complicated."

"What about you and Parrot?"

"That's even MORE complicated."

"Well, maybe if you explained, it would help you work things out." Rin thought for a moment.

"Where do I even start?" She asked.

"Wherever you think is the right place to."

"Alright, fine. Then I guess you have to sit here and listen to the saga that is my love life." Stardust leaned back against the tree.

"I'm ready." He assured her, slightly curious.

And so the story began.

"It started in school." Rin began. "Not JMA, but the little school here in the rainforest where they teach you to read before you're old enough for Jade Mountain. Parrot was in my class, of course, and we were best friends. Nothing more. But there was also this Nightwing girl in our class, and I...." Rin blushed slightly. "I liked her."

"So?" Stardust questioned.

"I LIKED her liked her." She explained. "Thought she was cute and I didn't know that was okay at the time."


"So I kinda freaked out, a little bit, because I liked a girl and it was like my first crush EVER, and it was terrifying."

"First crushes are horrifying," Stardust agreed, remembering his with a shudder.

"But I didn't know what to do about it because I hadn't heard of a girl liking another girl before then, so I thought it was wrong and panicked, so I kissed Parrot to see if it would change anything."

"And Parrot didn't know why you really kissed him, and he got a crush on you instead." Stardust presumed. 

"Exactly. And I liked kissing Parrot, which only made me MORE confused since now I liked boys and girls, and I wasn't sure if one was right or wrong or what to think."

"So what did you do?"

"I went to Shore. He's my big brother after all, and I was little at the time and if it was wrong for me to like a girl, then I didn't want to tell my parents. Shore was the one who explained everything to me, and that it was okay for me to like girls and guys. He's the one who told me about straight, bi, gay and all of that and helped me figure it out."

"But then," Rin continued. "I was still confused about some things, so Parrot became my go to. I started liking him the same way he liked me, and we had fun. We were never really dating like everyone said- we just kind of had an understanding, and he didn't care that I liked girls too. Once I started JMA and met Permafrost, I'll admit I had a crush on her, and she seemed to like me back. Parrot said he was fine if I wanted to date her, so we did for a little while. She's the first girl I've ever kissed and I suppose that made her special to me. But even though we were secretly together, it was still loose. I still was with Parrot in a way, and Permafrost bounced around, on and off dating a few dragons until you showed up. As soon as she saw you, I knew that was it. We broke off whatever we had,  although it didn't really mean anything. I went back to Parrot, and she set her sights on you. We were still friends, and, yes, we still kiss occasionally because deep down, Permafrost still means something to me, and I think I mean something to her. But I don't love her. Not like you do, and not like she loves you. And I don't want to get between the two of you. It's just....sometimes the piece of me that still cares for her comes out, and it gets really difficult to see the two of you together, so I just have to....run."

"I understand." Stardust insisted, nodding. "And I'm sorry if you feel like I took Permafrost away from you."

"You didn't." Rin declared. "She was never mine. The only person who gets to own Permafrost's heart is you."

"And what about you?" He questioned. "Do you truly love Parrot?" Rin thought for a moment.

"It's taken me a long time to figure that out." She offered. "But yes. Parrot... He's just always been there for me. Even in ways he can't begin to understand. And for that, I love him. I'm not sure why he puts up with me and everything that goes along with me, but he does. Heck, my entire family thinks he could do better then me."

"Yeah, why DO they say that?"

"Because Parrot is perfect enough to put up with everything, and I'm the one who makes everything complicated."

"Well, from what you've told me," Stardust admitted. "It doesn't seem THAT complicated."

"Really? Some days I even confused Ander with my love life. She slapped me one day for it."

"I can see the happening. But remember, you're talking to the kid who has two biological fathers in the most confusing love triangle of all time."

"True." Rin grinned. "You'll take care of Permafrost for me, won't you?"

"Of course." Stardust promised. "I'll make sure she's safe."

The two of them left after that, and a figure swung down from the tree they had been near and watched them go.

"Interesting." Ander commented. Another dragon swung down next to her.

"VERY interesting." Ray agreed.

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