You What?

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Cypress was HOPING that she and Anaconda could sit down, and have a normal discussion with her family over the fact that Anaconda asked to marry her.

She was so wrong.

As soon as they walked in the house, Nile and Gator shoved themselves in behind them and screeched at the top of their lungs.

"MOTHER!" Gator yelled, and Cypress grabbed her younger brother by the snout, clamping it shut so that he couldn't spill.

Adobe, being used to her dragonets screaming, didn't even glance up.

"MOM, CYPRESS GOT ENGAGED-" Nile started before Cypress tackled him.

"What?" Adobe demanded, her head snapping up. Anaconda waved sheepishly at the Mudwing, not quite knowing to do.

"Run for your life, Connie." Egret advised, calmly entering the room with Willow.

"Don't even think about it." Cypress warned him, still smushing Nile's face into the floor.

"What is going on." Adobe questioned, glancing between Cypress and Anaconda.

"Mom, you remember, Anaconda, right?" Cypress began. 

"Yes, I remember him staying here for long amounts of time with no one ever mentioning it, and I remember all of your siblings complaining about how you two were dating." 

"So dead." Cypress whispered, wincing slightly. "Well, um... He's here again-"


"-And he REALLY WANTED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING." she nudged Anaconda forward. "Didn't he?" Anaconda glared at her before turning to face Adobe.

"....I am here," he began, as Cypress's brother started to snicker in the background. "To ask for Cypress's hand in marriage."

"Ooooooo." Willow whispered. "Fancy."

Adobe disagreed, and stood up. 

And Anaconda suddenly realized why no one in Cypress's family dared to cross Adobe.

Because when she stood up, with her wings spread, and looked ready to pounce and tear you apart limb for limb as you screamed in pure terror, it was a bit intimidating. 

"You WHAT?" Adobe said. Anaconda shrunk six sizes and squeaked in fear, quite like a helpless scavenger.

"Adobe, why are terrorizing dragonets again?" A new voice asked, and Adobe's fearsome form shrunk back as she turned to smile at Squelch. Anaconda's eyes remained wide and he panted slightly at the remaining terror that was still rushing through him.

"You saw the scary monster mommy, didn't you?" Egret asked. Anaconda nodded.

"And that's just when she's surprised." Nile added. "You should see what happens when she gets REALLY mad."

"I don't want to find out." Anaconda insisted. 

"But, hey! You survived our mother!" Cypress proclaimed. "That's a good start!"

"I was going to drop dead of pure terror if she looked at me for another two seconds." Willow patted the prince on the head.

"Welcome to the family, buddy." She offered.

"Oh shush," Cypress objected. "How do you think she'll react when she finds out about Str-"

"What's this about an engagement?!" Squelch demanded.

"Oh crap." Anaconda swore, and Nile smacked him on the back of the head.

"There are children present." He declared. Cypress glared at her older brother, and stamped n his tail.

"This dragonet wants to marry Cypress." Adobe explained, gesturing to Anaconda. 

"I see." Squelch glanced at him, then at his daughter. "And does Cypress want to marry him?"

"YES." Cypress declared. "Very much. Totally wanna marry him. He's great. You'll love him."

"And what makes you think you're good enough for our daughter?" Adobe demanded. 

"Yeah, ANACONDA," Nile agreed. "What makes you good enough to even look at my little sister?"

"Nile. Take your siblings, and go away." Adobe growled. Gator, Egret, Willow, and Nile were gone the next second.

"Um..." Anaconda thought for a moment. "Well, technically I'm a prince, if that means anything."

"It doesn't." Squelch assured him.

"Well then... I suppose I think I'm good enough because Cypress chose to fall in love with me, and I love her, and I think that's enough for two dragons to want to be together for the rest of their lives." Cypress's parents studied him for a moment.

"HE'S STILL GOT MY VOTE!"  Willow's voice called from outside.

"No." Squelch announced.

"What?" Anaconda and Cypress said in unison. Squelch shrugged.

"No. I understand that you love my daughter, and I'm glad that she's found someone who makes her happy, but I think she's too young to get married."

"Oh THAT is such bu-" Cypress started.

"I AGREE WITH DAD!" Nile yelled from the window.

"ME TOO!" Gator insisted. 

"WOULD YOU ALL STOP EAVESDROPPING FOR ONCE!?!" Cypress shouted towards them. 

"Squelch," Adobe began. "Cypress is nearly eleven already. Your sister was already married by then."

"Well, Air and Nightflyer married young. That has nothing to do-" Squelch started.

"AND," Adobe continued. "Firefly and Coal were married the second they were out of school, which was before your Air got married. And I know several dragons who were married younger then them, so really, they aren't too young in my opinion."

"What are you saying?" Adobe paused, studying Anacondas once more before nodding.

"Yes." She declared.

"What?" Cypress whispered.

"You have my permission. You can marry Anaconda." The Mudwing prince froze, glancing between the two parents. He had a yes and a no. Which one would win out?

Judging by Cypress's reaction, it was Adobe's.

"YES!!!" Cypress screeched, hugging Anaconda. "Oh, I HAVE to go tell Dawn." She practically skipped out of the room, leaving Anaconda alone with her parents.

Squelch glared at him, but seemed reluctantly happy for his daughter.

Adobe flashed him a smile that contained more venom then Squelch's glare.

"Just a warning," she told him. "If you hurt her, in ANY way," Anaconda shrunk down again as scary Adobe came out to play. "I. Will. Slaughter. You. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am." He said, his voice higher in fear.

"Are there any OTHER secrets I should know about?" Adobe demanded as Nile, Willow, Gator, and Egret slipped back inside.

"I'm gay and I have a girlfriend." Willow blurted out. Everyone slowly turned to stare at her.

"You what?" 

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