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A/N: Finals are officially OVER! YAY! So updates should go back to normal now, and just in time for the Wattys to open! Even though my computer is being a pest right now and not letting me enter yet, stupid technology. 

By nightfall, Rainkeeper, Deathbringer, Kelp, Orange, and Shore met up in front of one of the few buildings in the rainforest that Rainkeeper didn't know what was inside.

"Everybody ready?" Orange asked. She certainly looked it. Her scales blended in with the darkness around them, and like the rest of them, looked ready to kill.

"Just about," Kelp offered. "I figured it would be a wise idea for us to suit up with some weapons before we go though," Deathbringer practically bounced beside him, knowing full well what building they were standing in front of.

"Weapons?" Shore echoed. He glanced at the building, his eyes sliwly widening. "IS that-"

"One of the greatest perks of having Joy as Queen," Deathbringer started. "Is that she'll do all the things I wanted to do when Glory was Queen, and all the things I was forbidden to do. One of those happens to be, ta-da, an armory!"

"The only downside is we'll have to break in," Kelp went on. "Joy wanted the armory to be extra secure, so she has the only key to it, and I don't know where she-"

The door swung open, and they all glanced at Deathbringer, who was sheepishly holding a key in his talons.

"-keeps it." Kelp finished. "How-"

"My daughter makes an armory and you think I WOULDN'T have a key?" Deathbringer questioned.

"Fair point."

They stepped inside, Deathbringer lighting a torch in one of the corners for light, giving them a full display of the weapons Joy had acquired. 

Chakrams. Spears. Swords. Daggers. Sleeping darts, death darts, knives of all shapes and sizes, vials of various poisons and tranquilizers, and some strange contraptions Rainkeeper didn't recognize with a large pile of carefully shaped stones next to them.

He cautiously picked one up as Deathbringer practically drooled at the display and started testing chakrams for sharpness.

"What are these?" Rainkeeper asked, frowning.

"They're some new Skywing contraption," Kelp explained, picking up one of the stones. "They work similar to a crossbow, I suppose. You just squeeze that trigger, and it fires one of these. Joy sent a team of Nightwing blacksmiths to the Sky Kingdom to learn more about them. She thinks the metals we have on the Nightwing island would be more effective that stone."

"So, what? You pelt someone to death with pebbles?" Kelp scoffed.

"No. They're supposed to travel fast enough to penetrate through scales." He held up the stone. "So if worked properly, this 'pebble' could kill you." Rainkeeper's eyes widened. "But Joy said there's still a few problems they need to work out. Ruby just sent her a few prototypes because she was interested. I wouldn't trust them to work right yet." Rainkeeper set the weapon back down and headed for the blowguns.

"I think I'll stick to plain old sleeping darts, thanks."

"Ugh, BORING!" Deathbringer remarked, snagging a couple of daggers. 

"But highly effective!" Rainkeeper retorted. "How many times have you saved our lives with these stupid darts?" Deathbringer paused.

"Touche. But still dull. What are you taking, Kelp?" Kelp smiled faintly and took up one of the swords.

"I thought it would be fitting to bring the weapon Joy likes most. What better way to kill your worst enemy than with your favorite sword?" Deathbringer nodded in approval.

"See Rainkeeper? Kelp's bringing a sword, because swords are COOL."

"When you need my freaking sleeping darts, you won't be babbling about a sword."

"Yeah yeah," They headed out of the armory shortly after, Deathbringer locking it and hiding the key, and they headed for the tunnel to the Nightwing island.

"What happened to those guards Glory wanted us to bring along?" Shore asked.

"What guards?" Deathbringer said innocently.


"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Shore, do you honestly think we'll need guards to help us rip Macaw to shreds?" Kelp asked. Shore paused.

"Well, no," He admitted. "But Glory's gonna be mad."

"That's Deathbringer's problem."

"It's my never ending problem," The assassin agreed. 


The group headed through the tunnel and flew to the fortress remains. Shore fought back the urge to cough. He'd never liked the Nightwing island. It was just such a dark and miserable place. The thought of Joy being here in Macaw's clutches.... Well, it made them all want to shiver. 

Orange and Rainkeeper slipped into the entrance first, being the only two that could really camouflage against the rock. With no sign of Macaw or his family, the others followed. 

The sudden sound of talons made them freeze, only for Raven to step out right in front of them, his eyes widening.

It was never a good day when you were staring down a furious Deathbringer, and it was a really bad day when he had weapons and backup.

And it was a horrible day when you were exactly one of the dragons the whole royal family wanted dead. 

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