Stream and Willow, Sitting In The Swamp

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Willow shrunk down slightly as her parents and siblings turned in surprise to stare at her. They all gaped, except for Cypress and Anaconda, who obviously had already known.

"That is...." Squelch began. "Entirely new information."

"Oh my moons, it all makes sense now!" Adobe groaned. "How did I not put that together?"

"This is ridiculous!" Nile exclaimed. "My little sister is engaged, and my OTHER little sister can get a girlfriend before I can? That's just not fair!"

"So, little Willow's got a girlfriend," Gator sang. "Is she hot?"

"Gator!" Adobe yelled at him. Gator shrugged.

"Just asking."

"What's gay mean?" Egret asked, looking confused.

"It, uh...." Squelch started. "You know what, I'm not gonna explain that one."

"So, tell me more about this girlfriend." Adobe demanded. "Who is she?" Willow stared at them, and a slow smile creeped onto her face.

"You guys don't mind?" She whispered. 

"Why would we mind?" Squelch questioned. "If you're happy, then we're happy."

"But if this girlfriend hurts you, there will be hell to pay." Adobe added. "That being said, Details. NOW."

"Her name is Stream." Willow burst out. "She's a Seawing, and she's actually Tsunami's granddaughter, and Kelp and Joy's niece, and she's really sweet and protective and fierce, and yes, Gator, she is hot."

Cypress facetaloned, but Gator grinned.

"Nice going, sis." He fist-bumped her, and Willow fought back a laugh.

"If she's related to Tsunami, doesn't that make her royalty?" Nile asked. 

"If that's true, if you marry her, does that make you a princess?" Egret questioned.

"Technically she is a princess, but she's not seen as royalty because of some agreement Tsunami made with Coral years ago." Willow offered. "So, no, me marrying her wouldn't make me a princess, but I don't mind. She treats me like one anyway."

"Well that's good to hear." Adobe insisted. "And CYPRESS JUST WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SNEAKING OFF TO?" Cypress stopped, halfway out the door with Anaconda and she gave a sheepish grin.

"Sorry, but I knew all of this already, so...." she trailed off, noting the annoyed look on her mother's face.

"How did you know?" She demanded.

"I've met Stream before, and I saw her and Willow together at school. And I'm currently battling Permafrost for the title of who ships Swollow the most."

"For the love of the moons, PLEASE change that ship name." Willow begged. "It sounds so weird!"

"Nah, it's perfect."

"You've met Stream." Adobe repeated. "What's she like?" 

"I just-" Willow started, but Adobe held up a talon, silencing her.

"You have a bias opinion- you're dating her. I need an outsider opinion."

"Stream is definitely fierce." Cypress agreed. "But she takes good care of Willow; makes sure she doesn't get hurt. They're a good match together, and I can trust Stream with my little sister...They do have a habit of making out in the library though." Willow's face went bright red and she buried her face in her talons.

"Cypress, WHY." She groaned in embarrassment.

"Well alright then." Adobe insisted. "I expect to meet her when you go back to school this week, Willow."

"Sure, as long as you do NOTHING embarrassing." Willow proclaimed. "And don't go Scary Monster Mom on her, either." Adobe raised an eyebrow.

"Scary Monster Mom? I have no idea what you're talking about." They all, including Squelch, burst out laughing.

"You did like ten minutes ago, when you threatened to kill me." Anaconda explained. 

"It's like the world physically grows darker when you do that." Nile declared.

"It's quite terrifying." Squelch agreed, looking sheepishly at his wife.

".....I am surrounded by children." Adobe deadpanned, facetaloning.

"YEP!" Squelch agreed.

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