Lovely Joy

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Joy was a little ashamed to admit she was slightly, just slightly rusty. Being Queen didn't leave her much time for fighting practice. But she was also well trained, especially compared to Macaw and his poor excuse for a family.

It was more like two versus one, something Joy thought she could handle. Raven was still freaking out, trying to claw out of Crow's hold, keeping the dragonet busy, and leaving Joy to handle Macaw and the older Rainwing with him.

And as it turned out, Macaw was even more rusty than she was. Taking him down, as always, was like stepping on a flower. Easy.

But the older Rainwing was stronger, and he put up a fair fight. A decent battle, but Joy was sure she'd win.

She should've known better than to excuse Crow from the mix though.

As she fought with the older Rainwing, Crow seized his opportunity, throwing his brother to the ground and reaching for a moss covered rock.

"Joy!" Raven called, trying to warn her. She turned, and Crow tossed the rock to the older Rainwing who promptly smashed Joy in the head with it as hard as he could.

And no matter how good a fighter Joy was, sometimes you just can't beat rock.


A smokey scent filled Joy's nose as she regained consciousness. She snapped up, wincing slightly at the pain in her head, and bit back a groan of frustration as she noted the chains secured to her wrists, preventing her from escaping wherever she'd been left. And judging by the heat, the smoke, and the rocky surroundings, she assumed she was hidden somewhere in the old Nightwing Kingdom. She swore against Macaw in her head, furious that he'd managed to knock her unconscious and drag her here.

But getting a rock slammed into the side of your head somehow made it more difficult to stay conscious.

"Hello Joy," A nasally voice declared. Joy turned to glare as Macaw stepped into view, crouching down to her level as he smiled wickedly at her. "Lovely, lovely Joy."

"Fuck off." She ordered him, debating whether or not it was worth spitting in his face.

"Now, now, that's no way to talk to your captors." He teased. "After all, you are the one chained up here, Lovely. I could make life very difficult for you." Joy studied him for a moment, and then did one of the last things he suspected.

She burst out laughing.

"Oh my moons," she laughed. "Macaw, you're even WORSE at threats then you are at flirting!" Her laughter echoed through the rocky hall. "I can make life very difficult for you? HA! Do your worst!" Macaw scowled, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Oh come on, Joy." He offered, losing the charm from his tone. "Don't you remember what happened the last time I had you in chains?"

Joy stopped laughing.

"You are a perverted sack of shit." She insisted. "And I'm not afraid of anything you can do."

"You should be." 

"No, you're the one who should be afraid." She growled. "I won't be here forever, you know. And when Kelp finds me, you'll pay." Macaw snorted.

"You're putting your hope for a rescue in Kelp's talons? Please. He'll never find you." Joy smirked.

"Oh, he'll find me. And when he does, he'll bring along the whole family. And then I'll be the very LAST of your worries."

"Oh, I'm SO scared of a pathetic Seawing, a former hero, a dewey-eyed Nightwing, and some weird hybrids." Joy shook her head, smiling.

"Oh, you'll be scared alright." She offered. "Just you wait and see what that group can do." Macaw grabbed her by the face.

"You listen here." He snapped. "I'm the one in charge, and you're going to do whatever I want, because I can use you for ransom to get whatever I want, and then kill you once I've gotten everything I need. And don't you think I won't do that. My obsession with you is long over, Joy. Now you're just the perfect key to getting everything I've ever wanted."

"It'll never happen." Joy shot back. "My parents would never give into any sort of ransom you'd ask for." Macaw smirked.

"Sure, THEY wouldn't. But what about your little husband? He's willing to die for you, lovely. What WOULDN'T he do to get you back safely?"

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