That Felt Good

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As Ray and Ander enjoyed creating chaos with their engagement, Anaconda paced the floor of the Mudwing Palace, trying to decide what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.

To stay here is hell, he thought to himself. But to leave means I'd be putting a lot on Cypress, and I don't want to risk messing things up with her....

"There's my little brother!" Wade's obnoxious voice rang out. Anaconda bit back a grimace as Wade punched him in the arm.

Screw it. I'm done with dealing with them. Anaconda declared, snapping. There was only so much of Wade a dragon could take. And the rest of Anaconda's family wasn't much better. It seemed reasonable that he should snap, after so many years. And it was good of him to finally take control of his life.

"Wade," Anaconda began. "I have to tell you something."

"Shoot. But if it's about a girl, you know they're still off-limits." 

Says the guy with six girlfriends. Anaconda growled in his mind.

"Wade, you're my brother, and that means I'm forced to care about you."


"But, you," Anaconda paused, and officially snapped. "You can go jump off a fucking cliff and die for all I care. The sooner the better." Wade froze.


"Oh, did you not hear me? Allow me to repeat myself." He offered, raising his voice. "YOU CAN KISS MY ASS, YOU NARCISSISTIC LITTLE SHIT. I HATE YOU. IN FACT, I HATE EVERYONE IN THIS MOONSFORSAKEN PALACE- except for you," Anaconda insisted, pointing at a random guard. "You're cool. BUT THE REST OF YOU CAN JOIN MY JACKASS OF A BROTHER AND GO TRUST-FALLING OF A VERY HIGH MOUNTAIN."

"Anaconda!" A stern voice called out. The Mudwing prince turned, only to spot the rest of his family, his mother at the very front of the crowd. 

"Oh good! The rest of the family decided to show! That's wonderful, now I can tell you all off at the SAME TIME!" 

"You are making a scene." Anaconda's sister hissed at him.

"Well, that is the point of YELLING!"

"Anaconda, you are embarrassing yourself, and everyone else." His mother warned.

"Then I'm meeting my goal!" He declared. "Y'ALL CAN GO DROWN FOR ALL I CARE. I'M LEAVING, AND I'M NOT COMING BACK, BECAUSE YOU POMPOUS JERKS DON'T DESERVE ME. HAVE A TERRIBLE LIFE, AND I'LL MEET YOU IN HELL!" Without another word, Anaconda turned and stormed out of the Palace, leaving dozens of stunned dragons behind him as he took to the sky.

"Man," he muttered after a while of flying. "That felt GOOD."


By the time he reached Possibility, Anaconda felt entirely pumped up. He'd done it. He had finally told off his family.

He was completely free.

And he knew exactly what he wanted to do with this freedom.

As he expected, Dusk, Dawn, Cypress, and all of Cypress's siblings were down by the river when he approached, smiling proudly with adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"Connie?" Cypress said in surprise. "What are yo-" Her sentence was cut off as Anaconda swept her off her feet and spun her into a passionate kiss that made Willow and Dawn screech, and had Dusk running to cover Egret's eyes.

A few moments later, Anaconda released her, sending Cypress's mind reeling, her eyes wide, and her mouth open as she gaped at him in shock. She was unable to form words as Anaconda cupped her face in his talons and kissed her again, this time more gently.

"Marry me." he asked. Cypress stared at him, struggling to remember what words were and how she used them.

"What." She finally squeaked out.

"Marry me?" He repeated. 

".....Okay." She breathed, still slightly in shock. "Wait- shouldn't you ask my family about that first?"

"He's got my permission!" Willow cried out.

"Mine too!" Dawn agreed.

"Not mine!" Nile objected, looking slightly furious with the former Mudwing prince.

"Shut up!" Cypress advised them, still staring at Anaconda, who smiled at her.

"You're adorable when you're flustered." He commented.

"And you are.....DEFINITELY something when you do whatever you just did." He laughed.

"So you liked that?"

"....Sure, let's go with that. Could you kiss me like that again? Preferably NOT in front of my brothers?"


"Wonderful. Let's go." Cypress grabbed his talons and glared at her siblings individually.

"Anyone." She growled to them in a dangerous voice. "Who DARES even breath a word of this to Mother. Will. Face. My. WRATH." Then she took off, Anaconda running to keep up with her.

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