So Long, Farewell

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Thankfully for the teachers of JMA, the end of the year came quickly, and without casualties. 

Before they knew it, parents were arriving, and it was time to send the students home for the summer.

Deathbringer left the school detained and chained up, par Glory's request. He scowled at her, but deep down agreed that dammit, Glory was good at getting revenge when he was being stupid.

Carrying on the tradition, our group of friends hung out on a ledge just outside the school entrance, talking and making last minute plans for the summer.

"You HAVE to come to Possibility." Sage declared to Teal. "There's this amazing bookstore there. Firefly took me once, and I nearly cried. More scrolls then they have at the library here."

"You're kidding," Teal proclaimed. JMA had the largest library he'd ever seen before.

"No joke. Come to Possibility for a week and I'll take you there."

"Okay," Teal grinned. "I'll tag along with Aria if she decides to visit Russet. That way you won't be in endless torture."

"Kill me now," Sage rolled her eyes. "Now I'll have to listen to him mope about how he can't see her every day."

"Same here. Rosella gets SO ridiculous when she goes awhile without seeing Parch. With her AND Aria? Just end my misery now." Sage laughed, and Pax slowly leaned closer to Parch.

"Looks like operation Seal was a success," he commented.

"Told you it would be." Parch smirked, high fiving Pax. 

"What are you two scheming now?" Rosella demanded.

"Nothing!" They said innocently.

"Likely story," Mora grinned. 

"What about you, Mora?" Pax questioned. "Any plans for the summer?" She nodded.

"I'm in Possibility for a little while, visiting my Mother's family." She offered. "And then we were gonna go visit my Aunt Willow. She and Stream don't get many visitors, and they want me, Fen, and Fawn to gets to know Thistle more."

"Infamous Thistle," Parch commented. "You know we have a file on him in the Stronghold, right?"

"Why would you have a file on my cousin?" Mora questioned.

"Thistle was a Sandwing orphan. Willow found him abandoned and barely surviving in some alley, right?"


"Well, Thorn's main goal as Queen was that dragonets would stop starving like that, and that no orphan would be out on the streets. And Stream was worried that Thistle wasn't actually an orphan, so she talked to Thorn and she had some guards do a little digging to make sure that no one would be looking for the dragonet and that it was safe for him to live with your aunts. Usually we find out what happens to the dragonet's parents, why they ended up on the streets, but there was no record of that with Thistle. There was no record of him with anything. It's like he just randomly appeared."

"But that's impossible." Mora frowned.

"Exactly." Parch agreed. "Which means that either nobody cared about him and there was never any documentation, or that someone wanted to make sure that no one knew he existed."

"Why would someone want to hide Thistle's existence?" Parch shrugged.

"The more dangerous areas of the Sandwing Kingdom are tricky. Everybody's got their own agenda. Maybe letting dragons believe Thistle never existed was the easiest way to keep him safe."

"Safe from what?" 

"I don't know. I'm just speculating. It's just rare that we come across a dragonet that no one has ever heard of. No one knows who his parents are, what happened to them, or how he ended up on the street. It's mysterious."

"Weird." Mora frowned.

"It's probably nothing, though." Parch insisted. "Who knows."

"You should bring him to the rainforest!" Rosella suggested. "I bet he's never been there."

"The rainforest is pretty cool when you see it for the first time," Pax agreed. "Thistle would have a great time, and we could see more of you."

"If by we, you mean you." Rosella muttered. Parch elbowed her, and they shared a devious look.

"That's a great idea." Mora declared. "I'll bring it up with my aunts."


They had to say goodbye shortly after, with promises to write and visit, and to brainstorm new ways to mess up the school next year.

"Bye Cyan!" Prism called, waving to her friend.

"Who's Cyan?" Ember questioned.

"He's a-" Prism blinked, something buzzing in her mind. "He's my best friend."

Evil. Something echoed. He's evil.

"Is he nice?" Apple asked.


"He's the nicest dragon in JMA," Prism proclaimed.

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