Chapter One

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A/N:Hey guys! I just want to say thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoy! Welcome to this ride.

Oliver Sykes' POV

I didn't know what time it was. All I could feel was the quick beatings of my heart, pounding into my head. I had lost track of everything, I could hardly breathe, everything was a blur to me. Vision wasn't even a useful method of survival anymore. I didn't know where I was going, but I was running.

Running for my life.

I stopped, and collapsed onto the rock hard floor, feeling sensations of pain inflict my side and arms. Just then, I could hear everything again, and I regretted ever stopping. Their screams, echoing through my ears, like they were being forced upon my hearing. The screams of the people who worked in this soon ghostly work place, and gun shots. The sounds floated around in my brain, and I couldn't do anything about it. Compared to them, I was a fly. One that would only be stomped into blood mush had I interfered with it.

My vision started to get a little clearer and I managed to look around, realising where I was. I was on the ground, surrounded by nothing but work desks, then I realised I was in one of the offices. I slammed the door shut, getting up and sitting against the door, hoping and praying that no one would find me. I look around the room and I was so thankful it was empty, I was safe. But the others weren't.

Both of my fists grabbed onto my brunette hair as soon as I heard more screams from outside the door, they were close. They were starting to die down which meant that the shooters were either killing more of them, or the workers were getting away. I prayed it was the second option. I really, truly did.

Something about the screams felt eerily familiar. I just wanted them to stop. I couldn't run away, they'd see me. The only option I had was to hide, the only person that I could protect was myself. But it wasn't unlikely that they would search the rooms, then I'd be out. A bullet would jam right into my brain, ending me once and for all.

With silence surrounding the room I was in, my ears had no choice but to listen to the noises outside, my mind slowly drifting into darkness.

"I found a handful of them over here, Boss."

"Well, take them out!"

"I can't, there's too many all at once!"

"For fucks sake. Fine, I'm coming over!"

The screams were gone for a few seconds. I heard running, then gun shots, then even more screams. The screams replayed in my mind like a broken record, they sounded like hell would sound like. It was torture to listen to, knowing that I would be the next one screaming in agony. I could only pray to a god that I would be safe, but there wouldn't be a high chance.

I am going to die.

Suddenly, it stopped.

Everything stopped, there was no more screaming, no more gun sounds, nothing. Just utter silence, and I sighed in relief but also in fear. Could this mean that I was fine, would they finally leave? I must be safe!

"Alright, I think that's them all down."

"How can you be sure?"

"Don't fucking doubt me. Now we just need to look for..."

Or so I thought.

My mind was not clear, but I heard the voices clear as day. I heard the voices of two males, not sure if there was only two or more. I suddenly heard a gunshot fire against what sounded like a wall, I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and ran up from the ground to inside one of the closets, it was hard getting inside of the damn thing as there was so many papers but none of them blocked me from getting in. Once I managed to get in it, I slammed the closet door shut and it let out a loud banging sound. I realised what I had just done, and I quivered, shaking extremely.

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