Chapter Six

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This is absolutely hilarious.

Look at them, look at all their faces! All of their lifeless bodies, scattered all over the ground. This was our work - a work of love and passion, starring homicide as it's lead role. Honestly if my life was a movie or a book, it would be incredibly interesting. A lot of dead bodies for the eyes of innocent. I loved that thought!

Looking at their blood soaked clothes did more than amuse me, it made me have thrills. It gave me happy butterflies in my stomach. It put me in a state of joy and admiration. This was my second favourite sight to see, the lifeless bodies that had been created by my Devil and I! Karma is a bitch, I really am. I didn't care if they had done me wrong or not. I didn't care. I just wanted more blood types on me, more hanging guts, more dead bodies all around me! More!

I looked at my blood soaked hands, and I slowly licked the blood off of them. It tasted like iron, but I liked that taste. I admired how it looked, when my love and I were covered in it. I guess you could say I had a little obsession. I mean, I'm glad that I got to see a lot of it growing up. It's the best colour in the world, too.


I turned around quickly to see the love of my life, all I did was admire his gorgeous fucking face. This was my first favourite sight to see. Everything he did gave me butterflies, I adored everything about him.

"Yes, Jay Jay?" I gave him the smile he loved.

"I think there's still someone in the back room." He chuckled and intertwined our blood soaked hands together, he pulled my hand up and gave the knuckles cute little kisses, and I couldn't help but awe, how perfect is this boy?

"Let's go handle them, shall we?" I giggled a little at the thought, ever since him and I had 'taken care' of his parents and sister, we did almost all of our kills together, it was insane, but nothing in my life was sane anymore, and I absolutely loved it. I loved the thrill ride and just... I love him. More than anything ever, I love him. We live our glorious lives in tandem, with so many thrilling days just like this one.

As we walked into the back room, we saw it,  just some middle aged guy. Maybe with a family, wife and children. I chuckled at the fact that they would be completely lost without him, perhaps one of them wouldn't be able to handle it. Maybe the mother would be so lost that she would murder her own children then herself! How creative can just one kill become, it was so wonderful. I love how many people that Josh and I can make suffer like this! More and more blood, more and more kills!

I guess life is just beautiful like that.

We walked up to him and he was practically shaking, his arms were gripping onto his knees and he was looking up at us, his eyes practically begging for his life as he couldn't find the words to tell us.

This annoyed me - I liked my victims to beg for their life with their words, but I suppose I couldn't have everything I wanted. But I only needed one thing, person, to live anyway.

I looked at ___ who was already staring at me, I loved when he so as much glanced at me, even though he never did that, he only stared at me, his eyes full of love. I hate everyone but him. He is the only one I love, my world, my only purpose in life is to make him happy, to make him feel loved. If heaven were a person, it would be him. I may love killing, but my love for that doesn't even come close to the love for my perfect man, every second he looks at me feels like heaven. Every time I hear his breathing that lets me know he is here and living, it fills my heart with so much contentment. Every time I touch him, kiss him, feel his skin, taste his blood, my heart just screams 'More! More! More!' He is EVERYTHING to me. I love him, I love him, I love him.

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