Chapter Twenty-Three

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What the hell is going on?

Everyone has been acting strange since yesterday. They don't talk to me, and if they do, they only say one word.

Even Amy has been avoiding me. She always talks to me, but now, she just gives me this.. fearful look, along with everyone else.

And even Hannah.. she's not said a word to me, but she's always grinning at me. At first she was like the others, but now she's all gleeful. Why?

Josh is the only one who's acting normal, he's just as confused as me with everyone.

I walked up the hallway with Josh, there I bumped into a blonde girl. I didn't know her name, but she had quite a good amount of tattooes like me.

"I-I'm so sorry, Oliver! I'm so sorry!" She put her hands up as if it were in defence, then ran away like a little scared puppy.

"What's going on?" I turned to look at Josh. He looked very concerned. He shrugged it off, but I could see he wasn't happy.

"I have no idea. Something's happened." He sighed and took my hand, walking into the living room where the main members where. They all shuddered in surprise when their eyes landed on me. I was starting to hate this. He walked right past them, and went to open the white room door.

He slammed it shut when we got in, an evil smirk appearing on his face. Josh was right, Denis was completely out of it. We had left him for a bit longer than expected. There was no life left on his face, his eyes, lifeless. His skin had gone whiter, so he was basically a ghost. He was just staring at the ground, staring at nothing.

"Denis, did you do this?" Josh asked him. When he made no attempt to reply, Josh eventually stopped talking.

I didn't really like that. It was too quiet. It was also incredibly awkward, Josh just staring at Denis who wasn't making any attempts to communicate.

"Um.. Should we-"

My words were interrupted when Josh pulled me in for a kiss. It was a short but sweet one. When we pulled away, I was there left flustered and confused. He gave me a sly smile, and I returned a shy one.

"I'll handle this, don't worry love." Josh then turned to Denis again, who was still just staring at his feet.

"Denis, you're getting out."

Denis and I both picked our heads up. What did Josh just say?

"Wait, r-" Denis tried to speak.

"Under one condition. You follow me." Josh gripped onto my hand then gestured for Denis to get up. He did, grinning like an idiot.

This isn't like Josh. He was fuming with Denis, why the hell would he let him out?

Josh then gestured for Denis to follow him. When Denis got close to him, Josh grabbed onto his shirt. Probably so that Denis wouldn't run away. But after hearing he's getting out, I'm sure he'd do anything Josh says.

Josh walked somewhere with us. Denis and I made eye contact, he had a huge beaming smile on his face while I was shocked. I didn't know if I liked this, letting Denis our after what he did to me? I wasn't too keen on it.

We walked into quite a dark room. It was dark, but we could still see. I swear, there's still so much of this place I haven't experienced.

"Wait, Boss, surely you.." Denis started to try and pull off Josh, but it wasn't even worth trying. He switched from being ecstatic to being terrified in a matter of seconds.

Josh let go of me and gave me a kiss on the head before proceeding to walk up to a white door. Denis struggled and struggled, but to no avail. Josh knocked onto the door, and a blonde woman with a white face mask covering her mouth opened the door.

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