Chapter Seven

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"Alright, Marina has taken the child to somewhere safe. We gonna do this or what, boss?"

I heard Vic talk and honestly I was just staring right at the ground. The gang were all around me, we were in the back room so no one else was here with us. I say us because I'm technically part of the gang now. Not that I'll participate in any of the killing, I'd couldn't do that. Josh knew this, he told everyone to let me do what I want, which was awful sweet of him, he actually had made me like a second leader, he literally put one of the rules as to not disrespect me, and to listen to every word I say. Something like that, I can't believe how much me loved me.

"Does everyone know what their faces look like?" Josh spoke and I looked up at him, as did everyone else. They all nodded giving little 'mhms' and honestly I didn't know if my eyes were prepared to see all of this slaughter.

"Okay, let's go. Oliver, you can stay behind if you like.. I promise I will be back soon as possible, okay?" Josh smiled at me, but his smile seemed sort of timid. I only nodded. I heard gun clicks and then they were all gone, it would be a few seconds before they got into the room where the people were currently having some kind of gathering, so I sat myself down on one of the metal chairs.

There it was, screams of soon-to-be lifeless bodies, followed by the sounds of guns shooting. I immediately covered my ears with my hands.

Something came over me though, an urge, an instinct, to go and watch. I don't know why. I got up slowly, every step I took to the room faster than the last, I had the urge to see dead people?

I peeked in to see the room and all I was wondering was how the hell they managed to murder so many people so damn fast. There had to be around 50 dead bodies lying there, with more to come. There was only 12 of the gang members that were in there, which was absolutely crazy. It was crazy how fast they could do that, take the lives of so many people.

I looked beside me to see Kellin, he was stood at the hallway entrance to make sure no one tried to run out, as there was no door to lock. I never saw him participate in any of the killings. Then again, I had only seen two, but both times he always sat in a corner without participating. It was scary, but all of the other members of the gang didn't hesitate to kill someone. The minute that the subject of killing was brought up they were all ready to go. But this boy? He always just stayed behind and watched.

"You don't really take part in this stuff, do you?" I kind of had to yell, I was trying to block out the gun sounds and screams but it was kind of hard considering how loud they were. Thankfully, he heard me and turned around to look at me.

"No, I prefer not to." His face seemed emotionless, and his tone followed. "I'm a bit surprised, no one really acknowledges me."

I actually noticed that, everyone just walked past him and act like he wasn't even there. I knew that feeling, everyone in the workplace treated me like that. Like I didn't even exist. When I tried to talk to someone, they just looked away. I hated them all, I considered them my 'friends' but looking back on it, I was just a lonely little loser.

"Why don't you kill too...?" It was a stupid question, I mean, any sane person wouldn't want to. But I had to ask. It was bothering me to not know.

"I'm just not a fan of taking someone's life." He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, looking at the rest of the gang killing off everyone. "The only reason I'm really here is because I'm scared that if I leave, I'll never see the light of day again."

It really was sad that some of these people were only here because they were threatened, I never really got to know about anyone's backstory, but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to. Many different people were here, some who were forced and some who volunteered.

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