Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Are you kidding me!? I look bloody ridiculous!"

This was not what I had in mind when they said disguise.

Here I was, looking into the mirror. A blonde, long, female wig. Makeup, a pink frilly dress, platform shoes. Next time Kellin isn't going to be the one dressing me.

"Oh dear.." Amy whispered, Kellin laughed his ass off. Josh.. he just stared, very wide-eyed.

"Well, Lee does have a thing for lovely ladies. This will get his attention!" Kellin snorted as he spoke. I tripped and fell right onto Josh's arms, damn these shoes. Josh was stunned.  "Sorry Oli, but you're the only one shorter than him - we gotta do what we gotta do."

"Yes, Kellin, he does. But he doesn't look like a lady, he looks like a cat that was dragged through a hedge!" Amy responded, crossing her arms. "Here, I made my own outfit for you. I knew Kellin was going to pull something like this."

Amy helped me untie my huge shoes, and she took me back to the dressing room, giving me a huge vintage styled dress and some kind of heels to put on. I swear. They had to make me be the subject of this. Josh wasn't too happy about the idea, because he knew Lee could've found me attractive, but he settled on him staying by my side at all times, he said, and I quote: "If that prick tries to get flirty with you, the knives going straight through his skull." The point was just to get Lee, the gang leader, to listen to me.

I slipped on the dress and shoes. It was really warm. To be honest, when I looked at myself, I didn't hate it, it felt different, but it wasn't bad. "Oh, wow.." I couldn't help but smile and do a little twirl in the mirror, I felt like I was from a vintage romantic film.

I walked out and Josh looked at me up and down, his reaction unreadable. It was as if he found the outfit cute, but it was why I was wearing it that he didn't like. Amy looked delightful. Kellin looked.. Like he was going to die laughing. Literally.

"Cute." Was all Amy said, as nice as she is.

"Well.." Was all Josh managed to get out.

"Oli, you look sexy!" Kellin shouted.

I tried to walk in my uncomfortable shoes. Curse being short.

"Guys, we need to leave now." Josh finally spoke. He was also in his disguise, all of us were. Unfortunately, they chose me to get the questions out of Lee Malia. Damn my shortness.

We got out of there, and headed to the limo where we were to leave for the get together. The gang members were awful confused with me, Kellin could not stop laughing. Josh held me close, snuggling his face into mine. I felt bad for him, he was only going along with this because he had to, he was pissed at the thought of another man trying to get with me - even if they thought I was someone else. He was also wearing a blonde wig, as was I. Except, his wasn't a female wig. It was so uncomfortable, I feel for girls who have to go through this everyday.

"My my, Oliver. What a nice physique you have." Hannah jokingly said to me. I swear to god.

"Hannah, I'm going to kill y-"

"We're here!" She interrupted me by yelling over me. I gripped onto Josh's hand when Hannah gripped onto mine, just so that she wouldn't pull me away. We got out of the limo, and Curtis pulled Hannah towards him so that she wasn't near me. Wow, this guy is a dick.

We showed the guard our fake ID's and he let us in.

Well, it certainly wasn't like any other gathering.. it was... erm, fancy.

"Curtis! My buddy." Lee appeared out of nowhere to give Curtis a hug, which he didn't return. He was wearing a sparkly blue suit, holding a cocktail in hand. Then he looked at us briefly. "Brought some buddies with ya?"

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