Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Hi everyone! TySM for 1k reads I- ssjjsj, this means the world to me tysm ily ily. Enjoy this unexplained chapter 😉 xo Also happy birthday Oli!!

Mixing, mixing, mixing.

I can't believe I had to make food for that woman, how can somebody be so evil? How could she do this to me? I want Josh. He's the one I should be cooking for.

I wasn't even mixing the cake anymore, I was banging onto it with the mixing spoon. I was so annoyed, she took my cell away from me, so I can't even text him! I had to stay here and make her stupid cake for her 'friends' that were coming over. I bet that those friends are just some more people to manipulate and spit on.


That was her voice, the snake has returned. I turned around to see her behind me, I was so angry at her. I gave her a dirty look which didn't phase her emotionless look in the slightest, I hated that about her. I wanted to get out of here, I wanted to see Josh...

I never responded so she just gave me that blank stare some more, I left the spoon in the bowl and crossed my arms at her. I craved Josh's touch, I craved my boyfriend.

"Another lesson should take your mind off things." She spoke and a little obvious fake smile appeared on her lips, but it was that smile that appeared when she was up to something, so I wanted no part in whatever she wanted to teach me. I was sick of her 'lessons.' I'm starting to not care anymore. I'm completely done. I want to move in with Josh right now.

"I don't care!" I yelled and tried to turn back round but she grabbed my arm to make me turn back and look at her, she still had that careless look on her face.

She let go of me finally and walked over to the counter with me, where she pushed away the cake mix, and looked at me with her soulless eyes. So much for that cake she wanted.

"Oli. I need to show you something. You'll want to remember this when you're older."

I didn't know what she was doing when she started rummaging through her little black bag, but when she pulled out what she pulled out, I wanted to throw up. She literally threw a dead rat onto the desktop. Not again..

I backed away from the sight, I didn't wanna look at that! What the hell is wrong with her! Why does she do this? I wanted to go home, to my real home, Josh's house.

"Oh gosh.." I covered my mouth as I spoke, the poor rat looked bashed in, as if she was hammering it. "What the fuck..." I just swore - oh no.

A stinging sensation hit my cheek and my face was slapped to the side. I quickly rubbed my sore cheek and gritted my teeth in an attempt to deal with the pain.

Did she just... did she just hit me?

She actually laid a hand on me. She actually just assaulted me.

"Don't ever use that language again, Oliver." She then quickly focused her attention back onto the dead rat like nothing happened. I couldn't believe what she had just done... she's never done that before. My whole life she's been giving me 'lessons,' but not once has she physically attacked me.

These lessons are normal to me, I knew my mum wanted me to become a criminal since I was a baby. The reason she applied to work for Josh's parents was because she just loved the idea of murder, and that was the job they offered her, to find enemies they didn't care for and kill them. I just... I hated when she hurt animals. I loved animals and babies, so much.

Not once has she ever attacked me like that. Not once. This was her newest low.

"Oliver, I'm going to teach you a torture method." She stayed emotionless as she spoke and I quickly realised what the crazy woman had just said. She was gonna torture the dead rat? Not only was that pointless, but dumb.

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