Chapter Twenty-Six

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Today was bound to be a good day.

Josh and I had a long discussion this morning. About the past, the present and the future.

And our dream.

It's been the one thing that's been keeping us going. If it weren't for our dream, we'd probably just be lazy and lying around all day.

Our dream is a promise that we had made a long time ago, with the other gang members gone, it was going to be much easier to achieve that dream.

So that's what we were doing today.

"I love you." Josh whispered while pulling me in close as we walked up to the gang building.

"I love you more!" I kissed him as we walked in doors.

"Nope, you couldn't possibly!"

"Yes I could!"









"O-Oh! It's you both, wasn't.. expecting you!" Vic came stumbling out of nowhere.

Oh yes, him. He was one of the only ones who didn't attempt to manipulate me like the others. He just stayed out of my business. Strange, considering... I kind of did the worse to him, but, he is a completely different person now. Yes, strange, indeed.

Out came Alex and Amy. Hannah, Curtis and Kellin were nowhere to be seen. That's when I realised. The members have been slowly dying off since I came. Little hints of my true personality was always there, and it was only since I met Josh. It was like I had a split personality almost. One side, the way I acted when I had amnesia, and the other, the way I acted when I didn't. How? I don't know. I don't care, I never want to look back.

It's crazy to think about. But I've been manipulated and toyed with this entire time, by them.

I know all of them, and I know that the way they have acted with me is not who they really are.

Josh was so right. They put on a fake persona with me, they knew they had nothing to fear. I was helpless, anyone could have manipulated me. They took advantage of this.

And now that they think that I have my memories back, thanks to that rumour Kellin spread, their true feelings are coming out. Their fear. Now they were equally as feared of me as they were with Josh.

But who could blame them? I mean... this type of thing doesn't happen everyday. I could have just, well, snapped. They knew that I had gained the right to snap, after all of their fake personas had lead me on to believing they had good intentions.

"Should we just get it over quickly or do you wanna hang around for a while?" Josh whispered to me so that they wouldn't hear.

"Over and done with. Then we can move onto the bigger stuff." I whispered back and smiled.

"Got it. Hey, could you guys line up against the wall?" Josh asked them. They quickly did so, probably out of fear of punishment. They looked at us both like they had seen a ghost.

"So... Why did you guys all believe rumours about me?" I put on a fake pout. "That's not very nice."

They all looked confused, but they knew exactly what I was on about. I mean, the rumour was no longer a lie, I did have my memories back. I was just having my fun. I mean, these people literally manipulated me for so long. Shouldn't I be allowed to toy with them, just a little?

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