Chapter Ten

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"So, there's no evidence whatsoever?"

Josh was confused. I was shaking. We were all standing around the wardrobe, everyone was fighting to get a glimpse of Tammy's corpse. No one knew it was me. They suspected nothing. You'd think that would make me happy, but no. I was frightened, I had a feeling that someone already suspected me of something. I had felt someone's eyes on me the whole time but I never actually looked to see who, I just couldn't.

Lucy was in a state. She literally ran to the bathroom to throw up when she saw her sisters lifeless body, it was pretty funny actually. I almost laughed but then I remembered that would not be good at all, everyone would think it was me then. We hadn't seen her for a good 10 minutes since me and Josh had to drive all the way back to the workplace.

To say the least, I was terrified. Terrified that Josh would find out it was me, that he would be enraged at me. He was surprisingly calm when he found out Tammy had died, they said something like this had never happened before. Its stupid because I know he loves me, he's literally a serial killer, but nothing like this had ever happened before, where everyone had suspected a gang member killed one of their own.

"You're all a bunch of idiots." Josh rolled his eyes and everyone just fell dead silent and stared at him. I felt tears start to form in my eyes, I knew he was talking about the gang but I couldn't help but feel as if his words were directed to me. I wiped some of my sweat off of my forehead and took mini breaths to try and calm myself down. I just wanted this to be over already.

He sighed and stepped out of the wardrobe to come and stand next to me. He took my hand in his own and I was immediately calmed down, I even managed to give him a little smile. He looked down at me with a sincere look, his eyes were at first filled with annoyance but the second they landed on me, they went soft. He was too cute for words... I couldn't lose him now, not ever.

"Everyone except you, my angel." He leaned in to give me a soft kiss and I returned it of course. I could feel everyone's eyes on us but who gave a fuck? We were meant to be. Everyone else in the world can suck it. Die, even. I'd have no problem if Josh and I were the last ones standing in the world. Wait a minute, wow... where did that thought come from?

Anyway, I smiled lightly through the kiss and we unfortunately had to break it. Josh returned back to his disappointed boss attitude and turned to face the rest of the gang, fire practically burning in his eyes. I noticed, when he became angry the gang had the exact same reaction as when I got angry. Maybe we really did have all the power? What could I even do with this power I have? Would I even use it?

"I don't know who did it, and I really do not care about if she's dead or not, but that does not mean this is an act punishable by death." He sighed and stared absolutely every one of them dead in the eye, one by one. I watched his movements closely, it's like he was just bored and could not care less about the fact that one of them... Us, may die. He was so incredibly... interesting. It's like he has a way of thinking that no one else here does.

The room fell quiet after that, dead silent. I hated it.

"Tammy was weak with physical strength, but something she was always strong and with, was her heart." Lucy's voice echoed throughout the room. I got a fright and turned to face her immediately, she didn't look any better. Makeup was all over he ugly face and she was trying to not cry and I honestly hoped she cried and embarrassed herself in front of everyone. Fucking bitch.

Wow Oliver, you've never thought this way in your life. Oh well, don't care.

"She cared, so much."

"Everyone took her kindness for granted." She walked over to her sisters empty shell and kneeled down to look at her lifeless, bashed in face. All the work of me. I smirked a little as a looked at her, maybe I really am sick. A tear fell from her hazel eyes and I almost giggled. Almost.

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