Chapter Nineteen

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Hope you guys like the new cover hehe okay bye <3 also I'm super super excited to write the chapter after this & youll see why stay TUNED!

"And it's coming up, the offer's coming up, what will it be? Fifty thousand big bucks! Thank you for playing with us to-"


"I sang in church, and.."


"Weather today in London will be around 17-"

I just got to the point where I switched the TV off. Nothing good was on, and I had a pounding headache from my hangover. I mean, I probably shouldn't have drank so much, it was just pure luck we found this hotel despite having no money, it was a miracle the woman let us off for free. All I remember from last night was that we ended up in some diner and Josh killed the workers apparently so we didn't have to pay, the rest is a blur. Even that was a little blurry to me.

Josh had gone downstairs to get some food, we were only supposed to be in here for another hour until the cleaner came up, so we were at risk. But oh well.

My phone beeped, so I held my head and looked down at it. It was a text from an unknown number, I opened it.

Unknown: Hello?

Probably just a wrong number text, no one else had access to my number. I ignored it. While I was on my phone, I decided to look through everything else. That's when I realised I had around... Thirty missed calls and eighty texts. All from Hannah. As if this girl could get any more annoying.

I called her back despite the fact that her voice would probably increase my headache. She picked up literally within a second.

"Oliver! Oh my god, thank heavens you picked up, Josh hasn't been answering, and we aren't sure of what to do anymore-"

"Get to the point." I couldn't take the whining, I was already in enough pain.

"I... Yes," She giggled nervously. "It's really not funny, but you see... Curtis showed up at the door last night, he was in rage, and-"

"Who's curtains?"


"Oh... Who?"

"My boyfriend!"

"Oh, okay? And?"

"I'm getting to the point! We haven't opened the door, but he started screaming things like 'give me my girlfriend back', and I tried to go out, but Amy-"

"The point!"

"Okay! Well, he sent me texts, and threatened saying he was going to break in or something, that's why we really need you guys to come back, please!"

I gripped onto my head, this was too much for me to even process at the moment.

"Fine, I'll talk to Josh about it, bye." I hung up, finally.

For gods sake.

Speak of the angel, the door widened as Josh walked in with a bright smile, and a bag. I adored his bright smile despite he also had a hangover just as bad as mine. I didn't know how he did it. I managed to smile as well though, only because I saw him.

"I bring gifts." He walked over and sat on the bed next to me. Then he pulled out two tubs, and handed one to me. "There's a fork in there, It's noodles, the lady let me make it. Oh, and also," Josh then pulled out a bunny rabbit. Not a real one, a stuffed one. I couldn't help but be lightened when I saw the teddy. "I found this, for you." He handed it to me and I cuddled into it.

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