Chapter Sixteen

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I was really, really starting to get the hang of this thing! I was almost like a natural, a pro, if you will. At first I sucked, but I was really making progress. We must have been dancing for at least an hour and a half now, and I didn't know how breathtaking dancing really was. Seriously, I hadn't felt this energised in a long time. Is this magic? It's kind of like pixie dust was flying all around us both, and the fairies were cheering for us. Just beautiful.

And, my mind quickly changed once I almost tripped on my own foot.

"Hang in there," Josh giggled, obviously loving the dance we were having, and despite the fact that we couldn't dance for the life of us, I was loving it too. He actually could dance, so that confusing to me because he said he couldn't.

He lifted my arm up so that I could twirl around and with every time I twirled, I couldn't help but giggle at how dizzy I got. It wasn't the bad kind of dizzy, it was the funny kind.

"I think we're starting to get it actually." His smile shone like the diamond beneath our feet. I was much better than the first time we tried, anyways. Neither of us were even getting bored, and it had been around an hour.

"A little bit, maybe." I was focusing, but it was still pretty hard.

"No no no, we're actually doing great compared to when we first started and you were falling everywhere, left and right." He snickered in a playful way and I just rolled my eyes, the smile on my face not leaving for a millisecond.

Through every dance move we did, a new thought popped into my mind. Not one of them a bad one. It was such a romantic, sophisticated dance, but also fun and cheery. Lively, that's the word. I never realised how intimate dancing could be before, I just saw it on the TV, I never had any experience and I certainly didn't know the way it could make you feel, all sorts of ways.

"You have a lot on your mind." Josh spoke before lifting me up I the air. I giggled and he let me back down again. It was going to take some time for me to get used to that one.

"I can see it in your eyes." He continued to conversation with me as we danced. "I love you."

I wanted to hide my face with my hands because of blushing, but I wouldn't let go of him for a second, even if my life depended on it. Instead I just smiled, I smiled and everything seemed warmer in that moment. A comforting kind of warmess. It's warmness on the soul, the kind of warmness you'd feel when it's a cold snowy day and you're sitting in your house with some blankets and tea, kind of like you could just be in your own little place away from the coldness of the outside world. That's the only way I could describe it, and I'm not even sure if it's remotely close to the incredible feeling I was feeling.

"I love you, too..." I whispered, shyly. I don't know why I was shy, but I guess it was just the heat of the moment, and all of the feelings I was caught up in.


He cupped my face with his strong hands, taking me by surprise. We stopped the dancing at that point.

"I love you. You don't understand, I'd do anything in this entire world for you. Anything you want me to do for you, just tell me, I'll do it. Every part of you is mine. Mine, mine, mine." He gripped onto me gently and kissed me everywhere on my face. "And I promise you, I'll never ever ever let you down. If anyone ever hurts you, just tell me, and I'll torture them for hours on end. I'll do anything to make sure you're safe, because that's how much I love you... You are my everything, for God's sake."

I didn't get why he suddenly burst out with that, all I knew was that it was one of the nicest things... Ever. God, if it wasn't already the case, I was starting to care about nothing except him. Nothing else was starting to matter to me except him and his love.

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