Chapter Eleven

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I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

This was the second thing I had done to piss Lucy off today, and no one even said anything about it. It started off with me ordering her to eat lunch alone because she wanted to sit with Amy, and now I was going to order her to stay in the gym all day, not exercising, now that was really torture. No, I'm just going to make her sit in there all day, because no one was in there and Josh and I went in there to get a break from people from time to time, so I could flaunt him in front of her.

This was the first time I had actually used the power I had to my advantage. Annoying Lucy was just the start of it of course, because it was funny. I had a plan to slowly start mentally torturing her, starting from small things, to huge things that'll eat away at her insides, and then I will make sure she never saw the light of day again, it was all the perfect plan really. It was also well deserved.

"Lucy, gym please." As soon as I spoke those words the annoyance and anger in her face radiated. She was trying to mourn her sisters death, but I wasn't going to allow her to not show up. What did I look like, someone who showed mercy to backstabbing bitches? Please.

"What, why!?" She bit her lip in anger, this was all too funny, I couldn't help but smirk cockily. How stupid.

I was currently sitting on Josh's lap, he had his arms round my waist and was resting his cheek against my back. It couldn't get any more perfect in that moment. I lifted his right hand up to give it a little kiss, I would give him affection any day at any time. I would stop the earth from spinning if it meant he could plant his lips on mine once again.

"Because I said so." I was grinning now but thankfully she was the only one looking at my face. She was gritting her teeth at me, growling even, but she did as she was told. She was smart in that way, she knew what would happen if she didn't abide, however she was so fucking stupid in every other way.

This whole me torturing Lucy plan was going to work out perfectly.

What I was thinking, it was just going to start with me annoying her. Little things, silly things, just to get her annoyed. However, it would slowly start to change. I'm going to start to get worse, starting with hurting her, I'll start to do things like harming her, or when she annoyed me I'd order someone else to harm her, nothing too much though. But it'll slowly start getting worse, with weapons, I'll start to cut her, burn her, etc. Then, once all the fun ends, her doom will come creeping up and slap her in the face.

I didn't know what the fuck was wrong with me, but I loved it.

"Babyyy..." Josh's voice.

"Let's go." I giggled and kissed his hand. I got off of his lap and he stood up with me, to the gym it was. The thing is, usually when a gang member had an order, someone was supposed to keep an eye on them, usually another member. However, I decided to do it today. Just to slowly fuck with her some more, and of course I was bringing Josh with me, I went everywhere with him and he went everywhere with me.

We got into the large room and Lucy sat on the ground, why, I really don't know. But it didn't phase me too much. She wrapped her arms around her crossed legs and huffed, not looking at Josh or me once, basically just being a petty little bitch.

There was a coffee table in the gym. Literally there was a bunch of random stuff in there because no one ever went in, so old items or useless junk was just thrown in here. It was a large building Josh owned after all, how he managed to afford it all I'll never know, but he could literally get away with anything so I wasn't surprised. Another reason I loved him and adored everything about him. He's perfect.

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