Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(Back to Oliver's POV)

Ring ring.


Ring ring.


"Right!" I yelled, picking up my phone and answering it before I even knew who was calling me. "What do you want?"

"Someone's cranky." The feminine voice chuckled. I didn't recognise it at first, but then it dawned upon me as to who it was.

"What do you want, again?" I sulked my face into my pillow, not wanting to deal with Hannah Snowdon right now.

"Sorry if I woke you, I just couldn't wait to tell you the good news!" She giggled, as cheery as ever. "I'm going into labour very soon!"

I sighed seriously not wanting to deal with this.

"No you're not, you're six months pregnant, now can I go to sleep?" I groaned, not having the energy to move my fingers and hang up on her.

"Oliver, I'm premature. But good thing is, the baby will be just fine, I'm so happy. The only thing is, they're recommending a C-section and-"

She kept rambling on, but I blocked her out, slowly falling back asleep.

"Oliver, are you even listening! Hello!" She screamed through the line causing me to wake up again. This girl, I swear.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Well, I was surely awake now. Thanks Snow, whatever your name is again. I'm too tired to think.

"Can you at least come down and support me, Oli? I know you have your memories back, so you know we're friends. I would love for you to just support me." She sounded sincere, but I did not care. "Curtis can't come to the birth, he's with his mum."

"I have bigger things to worry about right now Hannah, so it's gonna have to be a no. Besides, you're annoying." I rolled my eyes, ready to hang up on her.

"I'm annoying!? Screw you! I'm going to give birth and my friend doesn't even wanna come and support me?" She sounded upset, but I had no idea why she thought we were friends.

"Don't know why you think we're friends, you're the most idiotic person I know!" I fought.

"I'm idiotic? Just because you have everything you want, doesn't mean you can't come and support a friend! You're so stupid!" She fought back.

"I'm stupid!? Well.. ugh." I was too tired to think. "Well I've actually had an orgasm, unlike you!" After I yelled that, I immediately hung up.

Hold on, what did I just say?

I groaned, wide awake thanks to her. Great.

I checked my phone to see the time, 6am. Why would Hannah even want to tell me? She just disappeared with her boyfriend out of nowhere these past few days.

"That was... something," Josh's voice interrupted my thoughts thankfully. I turned to look at him. He had his arms wrapped around my shirtless figure.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up." I felt a little guilty. "Hannah's going into labour soon or something, wasn't really listening."

"It's fine, I was watching you sleep, you're adorable." He admitted, trailing his fingers down my chest.

"As usual, I see." I chuckled, letting him do what he was doing. Since we were both, well, naked, our bodies stuck together from the sweat. We probably didn't even separate our bodies the whole night.

"Did I hallucinate yesterday, or did my dead sister really try to kill me?" Josh cleared his throat. Honestly, I don't blame him for thinking he was hallucinating. Since when does that kind of thing happen? It's like we're in a movie, or some strange fan fiction.

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