Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: Hii tysm for 3k

It felt like I was doing an English assignment, but this had to be done.

"Uh... Why are you asking me these questions, Oli?"

"Amy, I need to know the inside information. I'm the leader as well, no? Besides, I'd like to get closer to everyone."

"I suppose.. Well, Vic usually hangs about with Jocelyn, and sometimes Mike, but he only usually hangs around with us when it's important. Like a business meeting or something, he's a good sniper, so Josh takes him along."

I wrote some of that down.

"Right.. And what about you, Amy? What about you?" I asked her, she honestly looked quite flattered that I asked her that. I'm guessing she didn't get asked about herself that much. Not many people had an identity here, I'm supposing the ones who did really worked their asses off. It kind of made me wonder why I just got put up to the top automatically. Well, I knew why, Josh fancied me. But still.

"Oh, well, I just like to help around. I make the clothing alongside some other girls, don't you remember I made your suit for you?" Her smile beamed as she talked about making clothes. Maybe it was a passion of hers. I nodded, I remember that it was a really good suit.

"A lot of us here don't get along, they just pretend to for Josh. Oh! Promise you won't tell him that? I know you're the leader too, but you're.. sweeter, so I hope I can trust you with this information." She sighed but kept her head high. "Anyways, my point. Me and the girls who make the clothes are actually really good friends. We have a... true friendship. It's a rare thing to have here, most people talk about their pasts all the time." She frowned a little, but quickly shook it off.

"What are they?" I was a little scared asking that question. But I decided to go for it anyways. "The pasts, I mean? I'd like to form a closer bond with the members here." I put on a fake smile. That was not my intention, but it was my attempt at fooling her.

She rested her hand on top of mine, and gave me a sincere look. Even though I was only using her because she was sweet and trusted me, I did respect her for always keeping a smile on her face. Even when things were tough.

"Just ask them yourself. You didn't hear it from me, but people actually find you more easier to talk to than Josh. That's because they fear Josh, but they don't fear you."

I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing, but it was no wonder they didn't fear me. After all, all I've been was a big ball of fear myself when I came here. This was my attempt at changing that.

Amy took a sip of her tea before looking away from me and focused on the ground. "I think some of them don't trust you, but no one is afraid of you. But, the second Josh walks in, they're all kissing his feet. You both have the same power, but Josh is more likely to use it randomly, to kill anyone he wants. Just for the fun of it. That's why people try to get on his good side, in hopes that won't happen to them." She placed her tea back on the table. "All I'm saying is, don't ever lose your sweetness, that's what makes people more likely to open up to you. But be your own guard - don't let anyone get too close. Some people here are... weird. Please, understand this is coming from a place of genuinely caring about you."

She was right. Josh told me something very similar, so I already knew. I'm supposing Amy is a very open and honest person, I can easily get information from her.

"And what about you Amy? Could you discuss your past, or is it too personal?" When I asked her this, she didn't seem to be too phased. In fact, she kept her smile.

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