Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Josh Franceschi. Do you take Oliver Sykes as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do." Josh grinned at me with the reddest face I had ever seen.

"And do you, Oliver Sykes, take Josh Franceschi as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do!" I screeched.

"Then, you may kiss the groom."

And we did. We kissed. We kissed so much. When we pulled away, and we looked into each others eyes, it was like the meaning of life had been found. And it didn't matter what problems we were facing, because it was our day, and nothing could stop us. No one could stop us.

I slipped Josh's ring on and he slipped on mine. We didn't care, we ran off and just bought a ring for each other. But they were beautiful.

"Thank you, Father." We bowed to the priest who ran this church. It was the closest place to home. Didn't matter where we got married, as long as we got married.

I still couldn't believe it.

We got out of the church, and decided to walk home together. The entire time, we never let go of each other's hands for a second. I leaned on Josh's shoulder the whole way too.

We didn't really talk much. Just being in the comfort of each other's company was enough for us. We were happy, and that was all that mattered.

We got home. I stopped at the red gerberas. He stopped too because I did. We both smiled at the flowers.

"You did everything, didn't you?" I chuckled along with Josh.

"Of course I had to get them, they're your favourites. But, enough of that." Josh picked me up and we both ended up laughing.

We walked back into our house, then to the bedroom. He laid me on our bed. I stared up at him, smiles hadn't left either of our faces since we left that hospital. His smile is so beautiful. I cupped his face with my hands, admiring his beauty inside and out.

"I waited for this for so long, Oliver." He kissed my palm. His eyes filled with complete and utter love.

"You know something... cool? Even though I didn't remember you, I still had a feeling that I knew you." I had a look into those blue irises of his. "It was your eyes. I could still read them like my own personal diary."

He took his shirt off, throwing it onto the floor. He then took both of my hands and placed them onto his heart, so that I could feel his heartbeat. Thump, thump, thump.

"That's because we're soulmates." He proceeded to lean down and place the sweetest kiss on my forehead. I felt droplets if water drop onto my face, his tears.

It just made me think. This wasn't a dream. I wasn't trapped in my own body anymore, this was reality. Four years I was trapped, meaning four years he had suffered. Thinking about it was like snapping my heartstrings.

"Make love to me.." I whispered to him. He nodded with a huge smile, the kind of smile that warmed your heart.

He took my shirt off for me, then left little baby kisses on my chest. "Josh!" I giggled because it tickled. I ran my fingers through his hair and just admired his beauty over and over.

My blush was inevitable, the fact that we were now married was just.. I couldn't even believe it.

My mind wandered back to the memory of when we were only little, and we promised to marry each other when we were older. Today was finally that day, this wasn't exactly how we planned, but we couldn't be happier regardless.

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