Chapter Twenty-Four

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I gripped tightly onto my head. The pain was excruciating, what is this? Why does my head hurt so much?

Wait a minute.

I jumped out of bed to realise that I was not at home. I was in a white room. It looked like a hospital room.

Kellin, Kellin. Where's Kellin?

Where's Josh?

"Oh! Sorry if I wakened you."

An unfamiliar female voice his my ears. She walked in the room. She had brown hair that was in two pigtails with a nurses outfit. There was no doubt, I was in the hospital.

"I- Who- agh," I gripped onto my head again.

"I'm so sorry. We had to stitch you up as soon as possible, it was a miracle that your body landed on a some old mattresses when you fell." She sat a cup of water down on a little table next to me. "But you hit your head pretty badly on the ground."

I looked up at her, confusingly. She smiled politely at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you just woke up. I'm Lyndsey, the nurse here." She asked, I nodded. "A few people were luckily there when you fell, and the ambulance was called. You're very lucky, your wounds should heal. Oh, I'm sorry, we haven't gotten a name for you."

"Oliver." Was all I told her.

"Thank you. We.. have to ask you to make a very important decision. Although, it might be necessary.." She told me. I nodded, taking a sip of water in order to try and soothe my sore head.

"It was shown during your X-Ray that your chip has been seriously damaged thanks to your fall, and we may need to remove it. We need your permission first."

Hold up?

"My chip?" I asked, utterly confused. "What chip?"

She raised a brow at me. "You are.. unaware? We couldn't exactly identify what the chip is for."

I have a chip in my brain? Wait a second, wait a second. What is this thing for? Why do I even have it?

"I need to call my boyfriend." I stated. If there was anyone I could talk to this about, it was Josh. "He'll help me make the decision." I just had to ask him if he knew anything about this.

She nodded. "There's a telephone on the wall there." She pointed to the telephone besides me. I was lucky to be able to reach it. I dialled his number and placed it to my ear.

Immediately, he picked up. I was so surprised, he never usually answers unknown numbers.

"H- Uh.. Who's this?" He sounded like he was in pain. I gulped before speaking.

"Josh. It's me."

"Oli! Oh my god. Where are you? I've been looking for you for a whole day! I miss you so much, Angel, please, I'm sorry, what happened?"

"No, I'm sorry. I yelled at you. I'm... In the hospital."

"You're what? why?" He sounded so worried.

"I can't explain now, please just- agh," I held my head, it really hurt.

"What hospital is it?" Josh asked. I asked the nurse the same question.

"St Mary's hospital." The nurse told me, then I told Josh the same.

"I'll literally be there in a few minutes. I love you so much."

"I love you too." I managed to smile despite the pain I was in. "Goodbye." I hung up.

"He should be here soon." I told the nurse.

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