Chapter Twenty

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A/N Guys PLS READ THIS!!! This chapter is very MESSED UP. So if you have a sensitive stomach, just read w caution. Ly all. :)

AGE 20 & 21

Her scream could have burst my eardrums, but I kind of loved it as usual. I fell to my knees from exhaustion. But I smiled, knowing that there was another one down, another one we didn't have to worry about. The challenge should be done pretty soon.

"Who's left?" I looked up at Josh, who was staring down at me with utter love and lust. He helped me up from the ice cold ground, I blushed, knowing that Josh felt this way when he looked at me. I felt the exact same.

"The father and the... son I think, they don't usually talk to each other. But they both talk to this woman." Josh kicked her dismembered head aside and laughed as he did so. I would've laughed too, but I was kind of falling asleep. It was two in the morning after all. "Let's get you home, Angel. Any more time spent here, and you'll fall asleep."

He carried me, and I was thankful for that. I was definitely excited for the next days adventures.

Josh knocked on the door, and I just stood quietly next to him, a huge smile crept on my face. I kept Josh's hand in mine the entire time, we were rarely seen without touching each other.

The man opened the door, he looked like he hasn't slept in about ten weeks. But it was to be expected, I mean, each of his family members were slowly going missing, of course he'd be down in the dumps. Something I noticed, was that he was carrying a baby in his arms. I'm guessing it was his.

"Hello sir, we are here to talk about the recent missing family members of yours?"

As soon as the man, whom I forgot the name of, heard Josh's words, he immediately picked up guard. Within only a few seconds, he invited us inside, well that didn't take much.

He quickly sat us down on the couch, eager to know any information he could get his hands on. Josh smiled at him as he clenched his bag, we both knew what was in that bag, and it was going to be hilarious when the man found out.

"Yes, please, tell me any information you have." He rocked the baby back and forth. I was jealous, I wanted to have kids sometime in the future as well. "I can't even focus on anything anymore. All I have been thinking about is my family."

"Right, right. I understand how this may be stressful sir, that's why we need to get down to the bottom of things." Josh did the talking, I was doing more listening. It baffled me how two complete strangers showed up to his door, and he just let us in like that. Still though, he was in a state where he could be easily manipulated, and would easily cling to anyone who claimed they knew something. After all, it was a complete mystery to him. "First things first, we need to know what you know."

I reached my arms to him, he just stared at me, confused. I wanted to hold his baby, it was so adorable. When I realised he had no idea what I was talking about, I had to ask. "Can I hold her?" I guessed the baby was a her from the pink clothing. The man just looked around, he obviously didn't want to give me his baby. Too bad.

"Mr Bostwick, hand my partner the baby, then we can get down to talking." Josh was a life saver. Because of him, the man handed me the baby. I smiled as the baby smiled as it was handed to me, she must like me.

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