Chapter Thirty

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A/N: 30 chapters already! Wow!

"Well, last one." Josh said as he slipped in another tape. He then came back to sit on the sofa and wrapped his arm around me.

It was the last tape, and last night we didn't get to watch it considering we were tired, and had a body to dispose of and clean up. Oh yeah, and we had to clean ourselves up too. Oh, and a car. So to say the least, we didn't get much time to watch it.

It started, and it automatically cut to me with the camera, obviously in some kind of store, running through the isles.

'We're running! We are running!' I giggled. Josh was right next to me, running along. 'I don't even know why I'm filming, but I am!'

'Is that the camera we just stole!?' Josh exclaimed, out of breath and laughing as much as I was.

Now I remember where this was! We had obviously just gone shoplifting again, we were little rebels to say the least. The stuff we used to come back with was mental, and it wasn't even stuff we needed, it was just for fun really. It ranged from things like CDs/DVDs, to shoes, to fragrances, and basically whatever you could think of. I also remember I used to buy a lot of teddies, I liked those. Still, why were we running so fast in this tape..? Oh right. We got caught.

The camera went blurry because of how fast we were running, running and running. The scenery quickly switched to the outside rather than inside of a store. I remember opening the camera I was filming with and recording with it. That was legit a few minutes before we got caught, crazy.

'Quick, quick! Get in!' Josh yelled, and we both got into that old car of his. I couldn't help but turn into a giggly mess, and neither of us put our seatbelt on as Josh speeded away.

'Well, we got some good stuff!' I squeaked. After about a few minutes of driving, we had gotten away, of course.


'Wait, when you stop, let's show future us what we got.' I suggested. Josh agreed, saying that it would be a good idea.

Soon, around a few seconds later, I placed the camera down so that you could see us both. Then I looked down, a huge smile on my face. I must have been ruffling around in a bag, that I probably took with me to the store. 'Oh! I got more teddy bears,' I pulled out a little white bear with a cute red little bow tie. I dangled it in front of the camera before giving it a little hug and shoving it back into the bag.

'Where's my hug?' Josh fake pouted. I playfully rolled my eyes, still with a smile on my face, and pulled him in for a tight hug, kissing his cheek over and over. 'Thank you, I feel much better now.' Josh played along and kissed me on the lips.

When we pulled away, Josh reached down into the bag and pulled out some kind of DVD. 'We got this, erm...' he turned it around to the front to read it. 'It's called A Nightmare On Elm Street, we should watch it when we get home. What else did we get..' he put the DVD back in the back in the bag and pulled out some sort of shampoo.

'Oh, that's for me,' I stated and he handed it to me. 'I gotta keep my hair smooth and perfect.'

Maybe I'm still obsessed with my hair.

'Oh! I forgot that we got chocolate, I'm starving.' Josh pulled out the chocolate bar, opened it and took a bite.

I put the shampoo in the bag, then turned back to Josh. I opened my mouth, obviously wanting him to feed me chocolate. He stared at me for a few seconds, wondering what I was doing, but then he got it when he broke a piece off and fed it to me. This made him chuckle along with me.

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