Chapter Four

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"This place is absolutely mesmerising..."

I couldn't believe Josh had taken me to such a place. It was some kind of garden, except with no home...? I wasn't exactly sure what it was, but it was absolutely beautiful. It was around midnight, and there was glowing lights everywhere, and fireflies lit up the entire place.

Safe to say, my heart was touched.

He must have noticed how amazed I was by all of this because he was pulling me into a hug a few seconds after, making me gasp slightly... I loved it all.

"You like it?" He smiled at me through the lit up darkness and I slowly nodded, opening my mouth a little. He looked down at my lips, then blushed and shook his head.

"I do..." I looked around the place. Yes there were lights but they didn't change the overall dark atmosphere the place held.

I looked up to the sky, stars were shining down on us, it was only Joshua and I after all. I quickly laid down onto the grass, and he followed my actions. This place felt so nostalgic, I wish I knew why.

I had no idea how he even found this place, it looked completely abandoned, which sort of made me love it more.

"You know what the stars remind me of?" I heard him speak, so I looked back at him as he spoke. I would have loved to known.

"What?" I answered, awaiting his response.

He stroked my face and after his hand travelled to my own, however I only pushed it away, not wanting his grip on my own, which only made him give me an upset sigh and he shook his head.

I was still wary.

"Never mind." He gave me a slight smile and I only nodded. No words came out of my mouth or into my mind even, all I knew was that my life had completely changed ever since I met Josh.

Before I was completely and utterly useless, or so I felt. Nothing in life made me happy anymore, except my friend, but she... I don't know if I'll ever see her again. I hoped so, but a little voice in the back of my head told me that I should never look her way ever again, that what I was doing right now was right.

Somehow, I listened to it.

Before, I was incredibly confused. Nothing in life made sense anymore, but ever since I met Josh I feel like I have a purpose, it made me want him. He had changed everything. It's not like I was starting to become crazy, it's just that he had showed me this whole new world of crime, a world I never knew could be so different from the movies.

"Josh?" I sat myself up, cuddling into my knees.

"Yeah?" He sat up along with me, running his hand down my thigh.

"Why am I not that scared of you anymore?"

He gave me a confused look for a minute, before his expression turned into a satisfied smile - like some plan had been working for him, and it never scared me one bit. I never thought anything of it even.

"Why are you not?" He gave me a relieved but happy look which actually put me to ease.

"I should be, shouldn't I?" I ran my fingers through my short hair, thinking. Why wasn't I? It was a bit obvious but completely irrational at the same time. "It's strange, but... There's a part of me that thinks, why should I be? You saved my life, but there's another part that's like, why? But I block it out. Not on purpose, my mind does it itself."

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