Chapter Two

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A/N GUYS! At the time of finishing this it's August 21st and only an hour away from the new song! I'm hyped.

"Woah..." I mumbled quietly to myself.

Once we got to where this guy lived I was honestly... shocked. We pulled in at a little cottage in some random woods I never even knew existed. Where was this place? I had no idea. This house was absolutely adorable, not the kind of place you'd expect a psychopathic killer to live at.

He stopped the car and I turned to look at him. He was just there, smirking at me. It gave me the chills and before I knew it I was quickly getting out of the car so I didn't need to be in that situation with him.

When I got out I was just, absolutely stunned. Wherever we were, this place was beyond beautiful. There was little critters running around everywhere, including rabbits and squirrels, and all different kinds of birds chirping. The grass was decorated in all different kinds of flowers, the only ones I could recognise were some roses and some Lily's, I had no idea what kind the others were. The whole place lit up, it was just so lively, and so full of energy, it was comforting too.

My eyes caught the attention of a small group of flowers. They were absolutely beautiful, they were very specific and lit up the place. I had never seen anything like them. There was a pot each with about ten of them in each one, it fascinated me, to say the least.

I walked up to them slowly, kneeling down so I could get a better look. Their petals were a dark shade of red, I dragged my thumb across its multiple petals, and I had instantly fallen in love with these beautiful flowers, just staring at them for a good few seconds just completely turned my mood around, and gave me a sense of comfort and safety. It was almost crazy how familiar they seemed, despite never seeing them in my life.

"Red Gerberas." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tensed but my mood never dropped, I somehow still felt safe. I turned around to look at the man who spoke, it's not like my fear was 100% gone, it was just like my other mood overpowered it.

"You still have an eye for them, I see." He chuckled slightly, no happiness surrounding his voice. He picked one of the plants from the pot, placing its large stem in the collar of my shirt, giving me a warm smile as his fingers intertwined with my own.

Suddenly, a clear image came to my head.


"Look! Look! Over here!" I screamed and in a heartbeat, my BFF came running over to me. His knees fell onto the grass next to me and he was out of breath, hehe, cutie pie.

"What is it?" He asked with a confused look which quickly turned into that 'wow' face, and his whole expression lit up.

A huge field of these very specific red type of daisies everywhere, it was them and only them. I loved them, they were my absolute favourite colour - red. They were gorgeous! And fierce too.

"Aren't they so pwetty? And so fierce! Oh, and they're red!" I asked, smiling down at the huge field of flowers.

"Yeah..." My best friend mumbled, and I picked up one of the red flowers and placed them into the collar of his shirt. I'd be lying if I said he didn't look absolutely adorable, and handsome.

I watched him stare down at the plant, looking it in admiration. I could tell it made him feel good, I liked that. He deserves to feel good, he deserves everything, the whole world and everything good that comes with it.

"Now, come on Mr Sophistication, we need to go to your Aunties!" I grabbed his hand and made a run for it.


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