Chapter Eight

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I did not want to go to the gang building today.

I did not want to face Lucy or Tammy after that little scene I pulled last night.

I was currently sitting in Josh's car, he sometimes took it to work. I wasn't speaking and I could sense his worrying, whenever we were driving all I did was speak, I was like a parrot. But I was just so lost in thought that I didn't feel like speaking right now.

I can't believe I'm thinking this, but if Lucy does something to harm Josh I will kill her. It's just a fact, I didn't want to, but I was going to. If I didn't get myself under control, I was going to end up harming someone. Should I talk to Josh about it? I mean, he's a literal psycho, not sure if he's going to give me the best advice. Whatever advice he did give me though, I would take. I loved him and I had to show that today. I've been so mean, I have to prove to him that I love him.

"Angel, we're here."

His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I realised that we were there already. I unbuckled my seatbelt and quickly got out of the car, slamming the door shut. I saw him walking up to the building but stopping to wait for me and I could see the worry in his eyes when he turned round to look at me... I felt a little bad.

I quickly ran up to him and I hugged his muscular arm, ever since yesterday I've been feeling a bit over-protective of him. I had every right, he was mine. I know Tammy's got it out for me, she's been lusting after him for a while now. I bet her and Lucy are planning to kill me or something, wouldn't be surprised.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I had to let him know how in love with him I was. He was mine, mine mine mine!

"Woah Oli, I love you too, I love you too, I love you too." He chuckled and patted my back and I looked up at his beautiful eyes. I then just started walking towards the door, waiting for him to scan his fingerprint to get in.

He did and I could sense his eyes on me, relief washing over me. I then walked in and the whole place was covered in blood, it was all over the floor and it was splattered all over the walls too, like someone had thrown it everywhere. All I did was look at it, I didn't even know what to say at this point. I wasn't even surprised anymore. I had seen everything already to be honest.

"Great, what now." I heard Josh speak and I turned around to look at him. He looked bored but also a little annoyed, he was rolling his eyes. He looked down at me after and gave me a little 'Oh well' smile, and I returned it. I loved how relaxed he was, well he wasn't relaxed, but he wasn't freaking out over it like any sane person would be.

"Boss! Boss! I don't know how it happened either, but Mat managed to use some kinda big fancy gun to blow a torturers brains everywhere! Then he realised what he done and used it again on her now look at all this!" Charlotte came running in and she was freaking out. Okay, well this certainly wasn't something I saw every day, so I take back what I said.

"Are you kidding me?" Josh looked so uninterested at this point. He just looked like he couldn't deal with this shit and he saw it everyday, which he probably did. I feel bad for him, he's been dealing with this gang all by himself for forever now. I should do something to make him feel better...

"Wowza. What happened here?" Denis came walking into the room, staring at all of the blood with a shocked expression. He scared me not gonna lie, something about his expressions and other things.

"Okay, cheers for letting me know. Oli, dear, I'm afraid I'm going to have to deal with this so go and wait for me, okay?" He gave me an almost anxious smile, like he was worried. I just nodded at him and smiled back, he was too cute for words.

With that, they were gone and it was just Denis and I standing in the room, facing each other. I still remember what he said to me a few days ago and I hoped he wouldn't do anything like that again this time. He just stood there staring at me for a good few seconds before sighing and actually walking up to me, which made my heart race out of wariness.

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