Chapter Five

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"Boss, you really need to calm down..."

"What do you mean 'calm down'!? He fucking remembers everything! He remembers his mother, what if he remembers other things too? He has to wake up!"

"Right that's enough. I'm sick of all this waiting around for him to do something, sorry boss, but I gotta."

I was half asleep and I couldn't feel anything, only hear little voices. What was going on...?

Reality was slowly starting to sink in and I felt myself in someone's arms. I was comfortable so I didn't open my eyes up, didn't wanna. Didn't need to, eithe-


"AHH!" I immediately jumped up screaming, reality had kicked in 100% and I looked around me. Shit... How did I end up here?

Everyone was staring at me, and I noticed Vic was right in my face, he was laughing so hard it looked like he was gonna piss himself, probably already did... ew.

"See boss, told you it would work!" He was laughing through his words which only made me get annoyed at the asshole. Now I had an urge to punch him in the face, but I didn't.

"Oh, Angel..."

I heard Josh's voice and I was immediately calmed down. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I soaked into his touch, feeling completely protected and wanted once again.

"Alright, Oli. Josh has been acting crazy for a good few hours now and we need to get prepared for this event. He almost put me in the grinder!" Vic grabbed onto my shoulders. "So for the love of god, tell us what's going on with your mother before he actually kills one of us!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about! I don't even have a mum!"

When I said that, the entire room had gone silent. Seriously, what the...? Vic just gave me an unamused look, like this was serious and I was making a big joke out of it, but I wasn't.

"Haha, very funny Oliver." He crossed his arms and shook his head at me like he was disappointed in me, like I was telling a huge lie.

"I don't know what's going on, really!" I clenched my fist, I was filled with anger. Whatever happened, I wanted to know. All I remember was getting dressed, and now I'm here suddenly, had I passed out? I couldn't have, I don't remember passing out.

My entire mood changed as I turned my body around to face Josh and Vic walked away. Josh looked so upset, like he had been holding back a wave of tears and it only made me upset as well. What happened? Why didn't I know? I cupped his face with my petite hands, just staring into his eyes that were filled with sorrow.


Suddenly, anger had consumed me. What the fuck had happened to him, and why was I so angry about it? I didn't know, I think that a lot don't I? But I don't care. If these people had done anything to hurt him, then I swear to god...

I turned my head around to face them all, and their confused expressions only annoyed me more. They had to have done something to him, my mind can't even think of another explanation.

"What the fuck did you do to him?"

As I spoke they all looked at me like they had seen a ghost, I have no idea what I did, but their faces trembled with fear. These guys were psychopaths, yet they were scared of me? I had never done anything to harm anyone in my life. I wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"Oh, we should be leaving..." The raven haired, sweet girl known as Amy, spoke. "Let's give them some alone time, shouldn't we?"

With that, they all left the room and I turned around to look at Josh.

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