The End

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Well, we've done it.

Lucky is officially our real child. We love her as if she were our own.

I don't know what it was about her, but when we saw her, we just thought she was the most lovable creature on earth. We couldn't leave her alone, or with that mess of a family. We'll be good parents. I just know it.

I gave her a little hug before putting her down in her pram. She had taken the boat ride like a champ, she hadn't even cried once.

She rarely cries. I mean, she's only cried a few times and it was just for normal baby things. She's always smiling, I can't wait to have a full life with her. We both can't wait.

"My heart could literally burst, I'm so happy." I leaned against Josh's shoulder. He had his arms wrapped around me, he was just as excited as I was.

We were currently on the boat, going to the island. It's only been a few weeks too. We've only had Lucky for one. But already, it's perfect.

"I wonder, what will it be like? How different will it be?" Josh wondered. I agreed, things were aught to be different than England, completely different people, different scenery, different everything.

Packing was crazy though. We managed to get all our weapons over and everything, it wasn't like a plane, they didn't check you. Thank gosh for that, I mean, we didn't collect all these extremely expensive and rare weapons over the years for them just to get chucked away. Even though packing was a nightmare, we knew it was worth it.

Supposedly, the house we were moving into was near the beach, near the seaside. It was real cute, judging from the pictures, and cheap, too, and we still have a bunch of money left. Most of it is going into Lucky's future. Yeah, we just got her, but we've already planned ahead. Adopted or not, she's our real baby. We love her so much already, who cares if people think it's crazy, I wouldn't say people think we're the most normal people anyways.

"We're finally going to have a family life, aren't we?" I snuggled up next to Josh.

"Yep, just think of all the memories we're gonna make." He cupped my face with his hands and kissed my lips. I smiled through the kiss, just adoring him.

"Look out there." Josh pointed outside of the ship window. I looked, and sure enough, we were approaching the island.

This is what we had been fighting for our entire lives. This perfect life, and we were only minutes away from it. Wow, is this even real? Yes. Yes it is. It's dead real.

Before we got there, I decided to pick Lucky up out of her pram as she had just woken up. I had finally gotten to see her eyes, they were bright blue, as all babies are when they're first born. I snuggled her as I laid against Josh.

"Aww, my two babies." Josh beamed down at both of us.

Unfortunately, I had to put Lucky back in her pram, because we were here. Josh and I stood up, and walked out of the ship with Lucky in the pram.

We were really here.

As we waited for our suitcases, we had a good look at the island we were on, and it was definitely beautiful. The sun shined bright with a sky as blue as the ocean in front of us. No clouds could be seen, and the sand wasn't messy at all. No gross plastic or trash to be seen anywhere. We definitely picked the perfect place.

We got handed our suitcases, so all that was left was to head to our new home. There weren't any buses here, we learned that while doing research, it's not anything like England. So instead, we walked to our new home, which wasn't bad at all. It was nice to have the walk with Lucky. I put the bags on her pram and pushed her around while Josh held the suitcases.

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